City of Hammond PLUS

Open Issues: 645 Closed Issues: 106.545 Αναγνωρισμένα Θέματα: 2.050
  • OtherΑναγνωρισμένο
    6431 Kennedy Ave Hammond, IN 46323, USA - Hammond
    Thank you for repaving part of 169th street. But is Kennedy Ave and Summer St scheduled for repaving any time soon besides patching among several other streets that are in terrible condition? Or are the recently painted yellow curbs on these damaged streets a sign that construction is over for the year???
  • PotholeΑναγνωρισμένο
    7032 Schneider Ave Hammond, IN 46323, USA - Hammond
    street hasn't been repaved in over 30 years and the patches won't hold!
  • Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenΑναγνωρισμένο
    6730 Rhode Island Ave Hammond IN 46323, United States - Hammond
    Sewers are collapsing.
  • StreetΑναγνωρισμένο
    2601-2699 E Kenwood St Hammond, IN, 46323, USA - Hammond
    Someone hit my friends car last night. I keep hearing about the streets maybe getting bigger. Is there any updates
  • PotholeΑναγνωρισμένο
    665–699 117th St Hammond IN 46394, United States - Hammond
    You guys need to fix these streets, this is ridiculous.Driving here is harsh.Some of the debris from the curb are alwaysin the middle of the road, which is a safety hazard.Can't believe Hammond got to this point !!
  • Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenΑναγνωρισμένο
    S Howard Ave & E Lyons St Hammond, IN, 46320, USA - Hammond
    This is a family a mother and her kids with a baby in a stroller having to walk on a two way street going and coming from the Martin Luther king jr park due to no side walk on either side from drackert st down Howard to lyons st this needs serious attention before a major accident happens the community needs a safe side walk to walk on alao this is a major street where children use to walk to school and walk back from school
  • Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenΑναγνωρισμένο
    3628 177th Pl Hammond, IN, 46323, USA - Hammond
    the curb at this address is all broken up and there are pot holes getting bigger at the end of the driveway, thanks
  • PotholeΑναγνωρισμένο
    5835 Erie Ave Hammond, Indiana, 46320 - Hammond
    Road is getting worse flooding 6in
  • Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenΑναγνωρισμένο
    3411-3411 S Sheffield Ave Hammond, IN, 46327, USA - Hammond

    buckle head spLLLLooch road, piLLLL still grim on account of is, is

    a phone head brain is not just &mental HEALFFFF, long in the tooFFFFseaea with this lobby absurd, the online where "they" put tiahhngs, yeahhhhh you wuahnt for the info age to then be kept as weuahLLLL man sewerr have neithahhhhhhhhh 7800 OUT

  • OtherΑναγνωρισμένο
    5706 Hohman Ave Hammond, IN 46320, USA - Hammond
    Piece of curb missing.
  • CONDITION OF 177TH ST OTHERSΑναγνωρισμένο
    3000 177th St Hammond, IN, 46323, USA - Hammond
  • OtherΑναγνωρισμένο
    2120 Summer St Hammond IN 46320, United States - Hammond
    You can't really call it a pothole when it's really this whole section of street. both directions from Indianapolis Boulevard to 162nd the entire street looks and feels like the country dirt road perhaps maybe you could repaveits. I try to avoid it at all cost. But when I'm in my semi and have to drive it to go into locatio it's awful! ........