City of Hammond PLUS
Problèmes Ouverts: 648
Problèmes Clos: 106 620
Problèmes Pris en compte: 2 020
Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenReconnu6621 Monroe Ave Hammond, Indiana, 46324 - HammondSidewalk uneven/tripping hazard
Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenReconnu7611 Van Buren Ave Hammond, Indiana, 46324 - HammondSidewalk is uneven/tripping hazard
Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenReconnu7530 Van Buren Ave Hammond, Indiana, 46324 - HammondSidewalk Uneven/tripping hazard
Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenReconnu7533 Kentucky Ave Hammond, Indiana, 46323 - HammondSidewalk- Tree roots pushing up sidewalk making it uneven/tripping hazard
Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenReconnu57 Indi Illi Pkwy Hammond, Indiana, 46324 - HammondSidewalk damaged from storm when tree was uprooted
Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenReconnu1510 S Lake Ave Hammond IN 46394, United States - HammondBadly damaged sidewalk with broken concrete being spread all over
Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenReconnu4506–4532 Torrence Ave Hammond IN 46327, United States - HammondFirst it was the bike path, now, Torrence Ave was the only street that did not have the railroad crossing repaved like Henry and Johnson have.
There is a huge pothole with gravel that hasn't been repaved, meanwhile the exact same maintenance two streets over has. The construction equipment that weighs pounds is sitting on top of my water pipe that the city will try to blame me for if it's damaged. Please please please look into repaying this street so that we don't have tons of pounds sitting on our pipes. Please repave the gravel as you did with the streets adjacent. Please don't tell me the project is under bid in 2019 and still not have an answer in 2024...
Please continue your bike path project.. -
Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenReconnu7404 Meadow Lane Ave Hammond, Indiana, 46324 - HammondWe are on a corner lot and there are broken and raised sections of our sidewalk that are unsafe
Sidewalk - Damaged/BrokenReconnu4141 Torrence Ave Hammond, Indiana, 46327 - HammondTree roots pushing up sidewalk. Tripping Hazard
Sign on PoleReconnu4309 Johnson Ave Hammond, IN 46327, USA - HammondThen complaining for over 3 years on the sign. Hidden behind the tree. No one could see it at all and and nobody has done anything about it.
Parking ViolationReconnu7114 Ontario Ave Hammond IN 46323, United States - HammondThere used to be a no parking sign on that side of the street but when Purdue took down the house it was not put back up. If you look all the way down 171st there are no parking signs.