City of Hammond PLUS

Problèmes Ouverts: 619 Problèmes Clos: 102 597 Problèmes Pris en compte: 2 049
  • OtherReconnu
    6431 Kennedy Ave Hammond, IN 46323, USA - Hammond
    Thank you for repaving part of 169th street. But is Kennedy Ave and Summer St scheduled for repaving any time soon besides patching among several other streets that are in terrible condition? Or are the recently painted yellow curbs on these damaged streets a sign that construction is over for the year???
  • StreetReconnu
    2601-2699 E Kenwood St Hammond, IN, 46323, USA - Hammond
    Someone hit my friends car last night. I keep hearing about the streets maybe getting bigger. Is there any updates
  • OtherReconnu
    2636 162nd St Hammond IN 46323, United States - Hammond
    So when is 162nd street getting resurfaced like the others? With the new street lights, to protect our family and property from the other people coming in fromILl and god knows where. e haveh coaches Corner at the end of the street. The cars that zoom though here with IL plate that "live" on Alexander. The Semi trucks that can't follow the truck routes. And the people in the houson 162nd St., e with 9 cars and an unknown number of people with a landlord who doesn't do anything about it!The police have been told, I have sent messages through here, and still the water department hasn't fixed the street where it is sinking. And pot holes just get bigger. The street itself is dark and even with the signs that say.. deaf child in block they still almost hit her! Maybe we need a couple speed hills, not bumps! Maybe the councilman or the mayor should look into it.
  • PotholeReconnu
    6722 Rhode Island Ave Hammond IN 46323, United States - Hammond
    Potholes need to be filled again. Collapsed sewers need to be fix. Worst street in hessville. When will this street be repaved like the rest of the neighborhood? nmok
  • 7717 Birch Dr Hammond, IN 46324, USA - Hammond
    Our street has been used for large trucks this summer as a thoroughfare for other projects in the neighborhood! Wondering if ours will be done? Wish we had the parkway lighting that are in the neighborhood!
  • PotholeReconnu
    7032 Schneider Ave Hammond, IN 46323, USA - Hammond
    street hasn't been repaved in over 30 years and the patches won't hold!
  • PotholeReconnu
    665–699 117th St Hammond IN 46394, United States - Hammond
    You guys need to fix these streets, this is ridiculous.Driving here is harsh.Some of the debris from the curb are alwaysin the middle of the road, which is a safety hazard.Can't believe Hammond got to this point !!
  • PotholeReconnu
    6201–6267 Mccook Ave Hammond IN 46323, United States - Hammond
    Potholes, asphalt humps at 90° curve from McCook to 162nd St. The rest of 162nd Street looks like a dirt road with the amount of portholes. When are you going to fix it correctly? Instead, of throwing in cold patch in a 1/4 of the potholes and calling it a day?!?! Just had to have another wheel Alignment done on my truck. 😡.
  • SidewalksReconnu
    1023 173rd St Hammond, IN, 46324, USA - Hammond
    The sidewalks on BOTH sides of the 7300 block of Oakdale Ave are garbage. Lots of trip hazards. I request the ones in front of my house be fixed at 7330 and informed city some time ago that the whole block needed replacement. Half the sections of concrete are either cracked, unlevel or have missing concrete(holes). My neighbor across the street got the city to fix his about a year ago but it took eight years!
  • 2700 E Kenwood St Hammond, IN, 46323, USA - Hammond
  • 1943 Wespark Ave Whiting, IN 46394, USA - Hammond
    The curb shared between the given address and one house north has a big chunk broken off and sitting in the road. Can we get this area patched and the pieces removed
  • 3411-3411 S Sheffield Ave Hammond, IN, 46327, USA - Hammond

    buckle head spLLLLooch road, piLLLL still grim on account of is, is

    a phone head brain is not just &mental HEALFFFF, long in the tooFFFFseaea with this lobby absurd, the online where "they" put tiahhngs, yeahhhhh you wuahnt for the info age to then be kept as weuahLLLL man sewerr have neithahhhhhhhhh 7800 OUT