City of Hammond PIU
Problemi aperti: 648
Problemi chiusi: 106.035
Problemi presi in atto: 2.112
Code ViolationRiconosciuto2621 173rd St Hammond, Indiana, 46323 - HammondAirbnb rental in residential neighborhood
Code ViolationRiconosciuto1305 171st Pl Hammond, Indiana, 46324 - Hammond
Sam is still working on snowblowers also buying selling. Inviting people on Facebook openly to stop over by posting his address..
So people stop over random. Sure he isn't license or collecting tax for his sales. Can he do this in a residential area? Have to hear this all the time.
1305 171st Pl, Hammond, Indiana
Code ViolationRiconosciuto7509 Kentucky Ave Hammond IN 46323, United States - HammondWood fence on North side of property is not secured to any post. It is just leaning against the chain-link fence that is also out of code because it is over 5 foot high. The wood fence has nail sticking out towards the neighbor side as it leans on the chain-link fence encroaching on the neighbors property, this fence needs to be brought up to code. Also it has pieces of wire from the chain-link fence sticking out just like the nail sticking out of the wood fence. A serious injury is going to occur not to mention these fences are not supposed to be over 5 feet this fence is 5'6" needs to be taken down and brought into compliance and the sharp wires and nails need to be addressed immediately along with the leaning fence that is going to fall onto the neighbors property and damage vehicles, watercraft, and trailers
Code ViolationRiconosciuto1632 170th Pl Hammond, IN 46324, USA - Hammondback yard being used as parking for multiple vehicles
Code ViolationRiconosciuto7405 174th St Hammond, IN 46323, USA - HammondThis is a place of business, a a daycare and the bushes are so high you can barely use a sidewalk. And I no longer can see my kids ride their bikes to the stop sign. Not only is it dangerous but it looks awful as well.
Parking ViolationRiconosciuto2644 173rd St Hammond, IN 46323, USA - HammondThe residents are constantly parking there cars on the front lawn. It is making the neighborhood look trashy . Please ticket it is against Hammond City Ordinance to park vehicles on the front lawn and not paved surfaces.
Code ViolationRiconosciuto7408 Magoun Ave Hammond IN 46324, United States - HammondIsn't this a code violation? It's gonna cause an accident since it's in the street..
Code ViolationRiconosciuto7209 S Mccook Ave Hammond, IN 46323, USA - HammondBerry bush growing onto the front sidewalk and huge branch that hangs over the middle of alley from their backyard tree. Apparently the slum lord doesn't want to do anything or hire anyone to take care of these issues when he is making income of this rental.
Code ViolationRiconosciuto7501 Kentucky Ave Hammond IN 46323, United States - HammondNeighbors have mounted electrical lights, two trees with a bunch of extension cords and bundled wires up in the trees. This is against the national electric code adopted by Hammond and is a fire hazard. They have also wires to the neighbors fence.
Code ViolationRiconosciuto7305 Kennedy Ave Hammond, IN 46323, USA - HammondTrash around grassy area and grass needs to be cut. The GO lo Gas station.
Code ViolationRiconosciuto1668 E 174th St Hammond IN 46324, United States - HammondHomeowner installed new gravel driveway on east side of house without any visible permit in window Aren't gravel driveways now outlawed in Hammond? Please have inspection check on this !..