City of Hammond PLUS
Open Issues: 635
Closed Issues: 106,100
Acknowledged Issues: 2,109
32 Detroit St Hammond, IN 46320, USA - HammondVacant home. Completely overgrown and growing onto neighbors' property. The garage is collapsing. property is never maintained and is like this all year round.
4 Detroit St Hammond, IN 46320, USA - Calumet CityOvergrown tree blocking northbound traffic on State Line Rd making it unsafe to turn off Detroit St.
7421 Alexander Ave Hammond IN 46323, United States - HammondGrass in front & backyard need cutting. Looks terrible.
6836 Olcott Ave Hammond, IN 46323, USA - Hammondvehicle parks in front yard. Grass hasn't been mowed since they moved in. Grass in the back is high as well along with weeds and weird brush in the alley E/W between 169th and Olcott. Can't walk or drive down the alley without brushing against all of it. several houses on the block got cited for A LOT less than that. Being the first house you see on the block it's absolutely horrendous