City of Hammond MAIS
Questões Abertas: 636
Questões Encerradas: 106.603
Questões Reconhecidas: 2.019
Code ViolationReconhecido1521 173rd St Hammond, IN 46324, USA - HammondYard and side of house is completely overgrown. Makes 173rd look bad.
Code ViolationReconhecido7115 California Ave Hammond, IN 46323, USA - Hammondback yard is a mess. 2 junk cars in the yard
Code ViolationReconhecido244 Dyer Blvd Hammond, IN 46320, USA - Hammondvines growing into roof structure and over onto the shingles.
Code ViolationReconhecido244 Dyer Blvd Hammond, IN 46320, USA - Hammondexpired plate 2021 and vines growing over onto shingles
Code ViolationReconhecido1750 S Lake Ave Hammond IN 46394, United States - HammondTrees along sidewalk hanging too low to safely use the sidewalk. 1801 lake avenue
Code ViolationReconhecido7733 Birch Ave Hammond IN 46324, United States - HammondLarge pile of wood not correctly stored off the ground
Code ViolationReconhecido6920 Kennedy Ave Hammond, IN 46323, USA - HammondThe alley behind the auto parts store is scattered with litter along the alley lines. This constantly blows down the block to the neighbouring houses.
Code ViolationReconhecido1238 170th St Hammond, IN, 46324, USA - HammondStray cats were living in crawl space and the area smell like cat urine and feces. No one should be occupying this home. Did it pass the inspection? I'm sure there are violation inside the home like the ceiling is starting to cave in. Mold is in the garage.
Parking ViolationReconhecido6733 Calumet Ave Hammond, IN, 46324, USA - HammondThis truck buried in grass hasn't moved in some time. Also the truck behind it thats blocked in hasn't moved either. Is this even an approved driveway ?
Code ViolationReconhecido6408 Jefferson Ave Hammond, IN, 46324, USA - Hammond
Reported every year for the past 3 years
Still broken fence, still broken down boats, still back door boarded up.
# 13927486
6407 Jefferson Ave Hammond, IN, 46324, USA two broken down boats in the back yard with broken fence Acknowledged 1/11/23Enforcement 3
1/17/23 2:19:54 PM Flag
Verified OfficialProperty tagged – 10 days to comply
6404 Jefferson Ave, Hammond, IN,
Code ViolationReconhecido6647 Kennedy Ave Hammond, IN 46323, USA - Hammondfascia,soffits, and the roof looks like it might possibly be sinking. The building is an eyesore on the new re done Kennedy Ave.