Burlington, VT PLUS

Open Issues: 1,061 Closed Issues: 42,438 Acknowledged Issues: 2,286
  • Curb RepairAcknowledged
    Simms St Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington Electric
    Simms St - Needs bump on curb sanded to prevent vehicle hitting it.
  • 111 Richardson St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Looking to have the curb replaced in front of home.
  • Curb RepairAcknowledged
    Oak St & Manhattan Dr Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Customer is requesting removal of curb as this turn is too sharp
  • Curb RepairAcknowledged
    521 Saint Paul St Burlington 05401 United States - Burlington Electric
    Curb has been missing for years, sending stormwater into adjacent properties. Now there are also leaves and garbage from the street sweeping in the green belt.
  • Curb RepairAcknowledged
    85 Venus Ave Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington Electric
    Curb at end of driveway is pushing up and out causing issues when entering or leaving driveway..
  • 38 Bradley St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Customer requesting a curb to stop drivers from driving on Green Belt and from the dirt washing away.
  • Curb RepairAcknowledged
    24 Sandy Ln Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington Electric

    This is the intersection of Sandy, Lane, Roseade Parkway, and Lopes Ave. loop. One corner of this intersection has no drop down curve ramp for accessibility, it is just a full curb. So, to cross the street from one side to the other, you have to go down people's driveways, into the street, and then back up another driveway.

    I am totally perplexed why there are no drop curbs at this intersection, as I thought ADA compliance required it now.

    Is there a way to get this on the DPW repair list for the fall? Given how much we are all home now, these sidewalks are being used more than ever by folks who have accessibility needs, but also folks with small kids in strollers, wagons, etc. All of them are having to go into the street at this intersection to get back to the sidewalk.

    Thank you.

  • SidewalkAcknowledged
    52 Alder Ln Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Raised curb
  • Pine St & Cherry St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    I am respectfully requesting curb repair at the northwest corner of Pine and Cherry Streets in Burlington. The curb has almost entirely crumbled. When It rains, there is a standing puddle which makes it difficult to use at all. I use a power wheelchair and I am at risk of overturning it at this corner especially.
    Thank you for your consideration.
  • Greenbelt/TreebeltAcknowledged
    321 S Prospect St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Curb seems to protrude more than is necessary into our driveway, which makes it difficult to pull cars in/out without going over the curb when cars are parked 2 deep. Can the curb be shortened?
  • Greenbelt/TreebeltAcknowledged
    62 Over Lake Park - Burlington Electric
    City heavy equipment damage to greenway earlier in summer overlooked with recent curb repair and new asphalt. Please correct so greenway can be maintained without damage to lawn maintenance equipment.
  • Curb RepairAcknowledged
    35 Crescent Terrace Burlington, VT - Burlington Electric
    The street plow displaced a piece of curb on the north side of driveway this winter. Is not a concern for the customer, however he is not sure if it could affect erosion in the area