Burlington, VT PLUS

Open Issues: 1.060 Temas cerrados: 42.492 Temas Reconocidos: 2.263
  • 1138 Pine St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Couches, shopping carts, and trash accumulating
  • Rivers Edge Dr & Forest St Burlington, Vermont, 05408 - Burlington Electric
    2 broken Chairs, Rolled up carpet and other items dumped here
  • 12–174 Depot St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    In addition to all of the graffiti, trash and needle caps, this drainage ditch might be being used as a toilet.
  • Donahue Sea Caves Trl Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington Electric
    Large mattress dumped at entrance to the Sea Caves trail down from North Ave.
  • 24 North St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Random trash on greenbelt on Drew Street side of property. There is an abandoned Bird Bike too- who collects those bikes?
  • 77-93 Battery St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Tents set up along sidewalk area on west side of Battery. They have been there for weeks. This is my second request, first one did not post? Directly across from Hilton, Marriott. this looks great to the tourists and visitors to BTV.
  • Lake St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Shopping cart dumped just off the bike path. Been there for several days. Please remove.
  • Park St Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington Electric
    Large blue tarp in road- immediate safety issue due to ability to fly around
  • 206 Main St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Construction(?) rubbish on sidewalk next to Mr. Mike's on South Winooski side. It's there for several days now
  • SidewalkAbierto
    Burlington Vermont - Burlington Electric
    Eclipse weekend request: Can the City have the businesses between Church St and the Flynn PROMPTLY clear their DAILY lineup of garbage bins — both full and empty — off the Main Street sidewalk? They narrow the sidewalk, are unsightly for neighbors (AND Flynn patrons and eclipse guests this weekend) and add to the current narrative that downtown BTV isn’t a pleasant/safe place to spent time. Before Covid, bins appeared only on trash/recycle pickup days, so surely there are ways for these businesses to be far more neighborly and even more responsible biz owners / community members. Thanks.
  • 270 Shelburne Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Good Morning! I'm sending my enthusiastic heartfelt gratitude to all the DPW team members helping with this year's Clean-Up Day! Thank You for your hard work - you're making the world a better place! 🤩-
  • 57 Oak St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Big dump and winter hat used for wiping. Right next to Boys and Girls Club basketball court and tennis court. Hopefully a kid doesn’t stick their fingers in it before someone cleans this pile up.