Burlington, VT PLUS

Open Issues: 1.060 Temas cerrados: 42.490 Temas Reconocidos: 2.265
  • 57 Oak St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Big dump and winter hat used for wiping. Right next to Boys and Girls Club basketball court and tennis court. Hopefully a kid doesn’t stick their fingers in it before someone cleans this pile up.
  • 106-126 Mansfield Ave Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Desk chair tossed into bushes next to sidewalk
  • 7 Bradley St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Abandoned mini fridge - been in front of 7 Bradley Street for 5+ days. Has fallen into roadway and is a hazard to drivers and pedestrians. Please remove. Thanks
  • 78 North St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Mattress left on Green Belt
  • 54 Clarke St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Clothes, fabric and other trash dumped this morning
  • 217 S Union St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Hi - a piece of furniture has been in the greenbelt here (next to the mailbox on the corner) for a few weeks now. At this point it is partially covered in snow.
  • 299 Manhattan Dr Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Tire left on the greenbelt
  • 62 Plattsburg Ave Burlington VT 05408, United States - Burlington Electric
    Trash blowing all over Plattsburg Ave
  • 2-98 Railway Ln Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    4 trash bags, foam mattress, and car keys dumped on bike path just before bridge
  • 26 Harbor Watch Rd Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Lots of trash dumped in the brush on the northern side of the bike path just before the wooden bridge
  • 94-112 Pearl St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Would it be possible to get a big belly trash can and recycle bins placed near this intersection? With 4 takeout businesses here there is a lot of trash in and around intersection.
  • 151 Robinson Pkwy Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Casella is picking up trash at the residential Ruggles House every Friday morning at 5:35am. Isn't this before trash trucks are legally allowed to operate in Burlington's residential neighborhoods? What does the ordinance allow? Anytime after 6:30 am ? I called Casella about this a couple weeks ago but they still arrive too early. Their trash trucks are too loud to be operating that early - people are still trying to sleep. They drive around the horseshoe street - from south to north - passing about 70 houses - and when they reach the north side, they go in reverse up the Ruggles driveway with their beep beep reverse alarm sounding. If they don't comply with city regs then they shouldn't be awarded a contract when consolidation happens. Be sure the contract contains a clause for steep penalties for non-compliance with city regs, including speeding and start times for pick up. Thanks!