Burlington, VT PLUS

Open Issues: 793 Temas cerrados: 40.655 Temas Reconocidos: 2.924
  • 227 College St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Since the city is allowing people to use the library plaza as a bathroom, why not put in a porta potty? This is absolutely disgusting and a health hazard. How about some harm reduction for the taxpayers?
  • 121 Home Ave Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    A tree fell into the backyard of private property at 121 Home Ave. I processed the wood that fell into the property but I believe fence is part of Baird Park. The fence could be part of the Champlain Housing Trust property but since the fence extends on the entire block I think it's Baird Park. I can cut the other side of the tree on city property if needbe but I'll wait to hear from the city since the fence will need repairs at some point.
  • Falling TreeReconocido
    46 Muirfield Rd Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington Electric
    Fallen tree is leaning precariously on streetlight and over the walking path at Appletree Park, posing danger to any who walk/play underneath it. It’s large and high enough that professionals would be needed to remedy. The tree has fallen from the creek on the northwest side of Appletree Park and is near the second light post from the western edge of the park, along the walking path.
  • 117 Church St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Please add at least one inverted U bike rack per block on the Church Street Marketplace. I attempted to park my bike yesterday and found no bike rack on Church street from Main Street all the way to Cherry Street. The only two bike racks were at Church/Cherry and Church/Pearl. I understand needing to remove some for plowing but to not provide bike parking for 3 blocks is not a good practice.
  • 120 Church Street Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    This issue was addressed once last August 2017 by CSM. This summer there are notable choke points at 120 and 148 Church Street that do not observe the nine foot clearance. It should be noted that at these two locations the permanent black markings on the bricks only indicate a SEVEN foot clearance, not nine feet and these businesses normally set their tables well outside these markings leaving only about a 4.5 foot right-of-way.
  • 189 Bank St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    With warm weather approaching this area really needs a secure rack for customers to lock their bikes up
  • OtherAbierto
    99 Church St Burlington 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Please return the bike rack in front of Garcia’s.
  • 126 Church Street Burlington, Vermont - Burlington Electric
    New sign at corner of church and college vandalized or damaged alreday
  • 130 Bank St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Nude man excessively walking up and down church street and livestreaming himself for the past several days- which seems pornographic. Disruptive to business and disturbing to customers
  • 38 Church St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Blood splattered on sidewalk and store front
  • 23 Church St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    This is a tripping hazard and and an eyesore. We can do better than this.
  • 184–204 College St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    What has become of Burlington? This is unacceptable City needs to get its act together!!!!...