Burlington, VT PLUS
Parking Enforcement IssueReconnuRoosevelt Park - Burlington ElectricCitizen concern of overflow parking along st mary st for people using the park
OtherReconnu216 Lake St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
Hi. I saw this in an article in the Free Press. How can we get this system for the Penny Lane and Lake St. train track crossing?
"Quiet zones exist at many of the crossings between Charlotte and Burlington. The cities and towns along this route have requested the status from the federal government. Because the horn and bell aren’t routinely blown at those locations, the crossings themselves have extra safety measures.”
Check out this article from Burlington Free Press:
How new Amtrak service to Burlington will affect schools and families
189-223 S Union St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricTraffic is incredibly loud at night, with many bikes and cars speeding down South Union. I wanted to propose installing speed bumps here to make the street more safe.
2–20 Plattsburg Ave Burlington VT 05408, United States - Burlington ElectricPlease lower and enforce the speed limit on Plattsburg Avenue It is used as a raceway Also, can big trucks be required to use beltway for travel in and out of Colchester to NNE? It would help with fewer potholes
Proctor Ave & Shelburne Rd South Burlington, VT, 05403, USA - Burlington ElectricThis section of shelburne road contains numerous "bottlenecks" where the lane markings become narrower than a tractor trailer, this means that every single day, vehicles pass within inches of eachother. combine this with the foot deep wheel ruts that affect a vehicle ability to travel strait and you have an incredibly dangerous traffic condition. If we're going to continue to squeeze four lanes of traffic into that road, the pavement surface should really be a flat plane
Please add no idling signReconnu22 Archibald St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
Please add a "No idling" sign to the 15 minute spot outside of Dots market on the east side of walnut st. Cars and trucks often idle at this location, degrading air quality right next to IAA elementary school and Dewey park. "No idling" signs are common at nearly all other corner stores in the neighborhood. It will be helpful to have something to point to while providing a friendly reminder to people who illegally idle their cars and trucks.
Note that this was reported earlier and archived because a "No idling" sign was added on the west side of the street, outside of IAA school where parents and buses drop off students. I'm reposting because I think at least one additional should be added to the 15 minute spot outside of the corner store, which is on the other side of the street and faces the opposite direction. This one would remind folks who are stopping in at the wonderful Dot's market corner store.
Thank you!
Traffic calmingReconnu514-580 S Willard St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricI live on South Willard Street just north of the roundabout and the cars go very fast past my house. Much faster than the posted 25 mph. There are several families with small children living on the street. It would be great to install speed humps to slow down traffic exiting and entering the roundabout as people use this like an on-ramp to an interstate.
North Avenue At Barley Road Burlington, VT 05408, USA - Burlington ElectricI am seeking some help with a North Avenue crosswalk. My daughter (7), niece (6) and nephew (9) all go to Flynn school. The three cross North Ave. at the intersection of North Avenue and Barley Road. It is a very busy intersection during mornings and afterschool. There is usually, but not always, a crossing guard there. There are many cars that exceed the speed limit in this section. I have asked the police to make a presence there, but they are short staffed and it is also during a shift change. Last year, when the crossing guard was holding up traffic a car went right through the crosswalk and almost hit my nephew with my daughter and niece following close behind. This intersection is used by many people and there is no traffic light at it. I am begging for help from you to put flashing crosswalk signs on the sides of the road to better alert drivers of kids walking across.
Chittenden Dr & S Willard St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington ElectricTurning from Chittenden drive onto South Willard has become somewhat dangerous. You have to nose out into the street to see if traffic is coming from the rotary.
I think a few things are contributing to this: there are two telephone poles on the corner that block the view of oncoming traffic; South Willard seems to be more curved and narrow, not allowing visibility as the previous shoulder did; and there is a steep slope of a resident's yard (the yellow house next to the Greek Church) as opposed to the sidewalk that lines other areas of the rotary. The yard isn't any different, but the shoulder is no longer there. -
19 Converse Ct Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington ElectricRequesting a no parking anytime sign - space too small
Plattsburg Ave & St Francis Park Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington ElectricNeed Crosswalk. Many children cross here