Burlington, VT PLUS
Problèmes Ouverts: 1 073
Problèmes Clos: 42 539
Problèmes Pris en compte: 2 257
SidewalksReconnu55 Rivermount Terrace Burlington, VT 05408, USA - Burlington ElectricBadly damaged.
21 Archibald St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricCrosswalk needed. Kids going to HO Wheeler either have to use three crosswalks to get across Archibald, or run across where there is no crosswalk. This is in a school zone with lots of traffic, not sure why there isn't already a marked crosswalk in place.
SidewalksReconnuCaroline Street Burlington, Vermont - Burlington ElectricIs there a plan to fix the sidewalk on Caroline Street between Howard Street and Locust Street on the east side heading south? My 99 year old mother is having a very difficult time maneuvering her 4-wheeled walker because of the condition of the sidewalk and she has to go in the road to avoid certain sections. Walking on the west side is not an option for her because she got bit twice by a dog on that side of the street. The repair of the sidewalk on Caroline Street on the east side heading south would be beneficial for everyone's safety. Thank you very much for your attention to this request.
SidewalksReconnu33 Main St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricPoor stormwater management resulting in sand accumulation in sidewalk. Difficult for those with disabilities.
501 Pine Street Burlington, VT - Burlington ElectricRequester is looking for the city to complete the sidewalk on the West side of Pine St, between the driveway for Myer's Bagels and B.E.D.
SidewalksReconnu74 Main Street Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricSeveral bad section on this block, but the worst of it is between 72 and 74 Main St
South Prospect Street Burlington, VT - Burlington Electric
I am not sure which Department is in charge of this request, but I feel it will be forwarded to the correct person.
After a UVM student was struck by a vehicle last week and I have observed a few misses, ( as well as autos not stopping for pedestrians) I was wondering if there is any chance of getting Cross-walk signage in front of Waterman.
Recently there has been a flashing Crosswalk sign on Colchester Ave installed in front of the hospital installed ( between Fletcher Pl and East Ave.)It appears to me that many drivers travelling from Main St to Pearl St/Colchester Ave, ( possibly unfamiliar w/ the area) may not expect three Cross walks in a row. Thank You
Archibald St & Intervale Ave Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricThis intersection has poor visibility for pedestrians when cars are stopped at lights. The sidewalk on both sides of the street past J&Ms grocery flood easily And often and are very icy in the winter. Plus the crosswalk is fading.
Manhattan Dr & Spring St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricTerrible traffic that needs to be addressed. Something needs to happen at the Manhattan Drive and Spring Street Intersection. My family lives on the corner and it is a terrible place to cross the street and to feel safe even on the sidewalk. I have been continuously emailing the mayor with no response yet. The intersection need a flashing yellow light or flashing stop sign. The amount of traffic that goes through there from 127 is incredible. People are constantly getting mad and honking there horns. I have personally seen a dog get hit and killed because someone did not come to a complete stop. Hardly anyone actually stops. People speed. Car accidents happen often. I have a 6 year old and do not feel comfortable crossing the street with him a lot of the time. Something needs to be done to address this issue. 18 wheeler trucks pass by here as well. It is a main road for a lot of people driving. Traffic needs to slow down. Many families live around there and it is unsafe and sad that nothing has been done about it. It's only a matter of time before a human gets hit and is hurt badly. I am happy to talk to someone more about this. If someone could come and observe the traffic situation from my porch I think they would see the issues within 5 minutes of watching. Hoping this can change. Thanks
SidewalksReconnu15 Loomis St Burlington, VT 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricGreen belt decimated for lack of curb at loomis and school streets
135 St Paul St Burlington 05401, United States - Burlington ElectricAs a small business owner I need to use my bank, Vermont State Employees Credit Union, on a regular basis. It is very difficult to find parking near the bank on St Paul Street most days. It would be incredibly helpful to add a 15 minute parking spot in one of the two truck loading spots and leave just one truck loading zone for that block. Bank business is routinely short and it would be such a useful addition to the block. Thank you!
Austin Dr Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricPlease add a center line stripe all along Austin drive from RR tracks to the south entrance of Oakledge Park.
This MUST include a break in the painted line indicating where vehicles should stop and turn into Redrock Drive! This is a critical piece that is missing.
Also the plants along the west side of that curb need to be cut back and KEPT back for safety and visibility.
Thank you.