Burlington, VT PIU
Problemi aperti: 794
Problemi chiusi: 40.655
Problemi presi in atto: 2.924
Nottingham Ln Burlington, Vermont, 05408 - Burlington ElectricHydraulic fluid is being discharged into the city storm water system. The Casella truck that is picking up trash in our neighborhood is leaking hydraulic fluid. I posted this issue last week on SeeClickFix and received a response that a DPW representative apparently contacted Casella about the problem but obviously it has not been fixed, see the attached photo that was taken in the past hour. Last week I attempted to contact Casella but have not received a response (no surprise).
80 Cayuga Ct Burlington, Vermont, 05408 - Burlington ElectricConstant discarding of rubbish throughout of property.
77-93 Battery St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricTents set up along sidewalk area on west side of Battery. They have been there for weeks. This is my second request, first one did not post? Directly across from Hilton, Marriott. this looks great to the tourists and visitors to BTV.
1-47 Drew St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricSeveral bags of garbage dumped overnight
Ethan Allen Park - Burlington ElectricSomeone dumped two bad looking couches in the park along Ethan Allen Parkway.
Vt-127 Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington Electric
There is dumped trash in the embankment here at this location.
Please help clean it up. I have gotten what I can, but am unable to do much more.
Thank you for your work.
Lake St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricShopping cart dumped just off the bike path. Been there for several days. Please remove.
New North End Burlington, VT, USA - Burlington ElectricSail had been in North Beach all summer. Looking like garbage now.
24 North St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington ElectricRandom trash on greenbelt on Drew Street side of property. There is an abandoned Bird Bike too- who collects those bikes?