Burlington, VT PIU
Problemi aperti: 832
Problemi chiusi: 40.486
Problemi presi in atto: 2.762
OtherRiconosciutoIsland Line Trail Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington ElectricOnce again, loud motorized vehicle racing in and out of encampment in snow dump area. The vehicle must end up on the bike path which is a danger to those who might want to enjoy the bike path. I have no photo because I wouldn't dare approach these people.
Grass and weed maintenance Riconosciuto74-110 Bike Path Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington ElectricThe grass/weed/overgrowth on the bike path, particularly between Shore Road and Starr Farms Road, needs some attention. There is a lot of tree debris and the grass sorely needs cut. If possible, please cut the grass short so those of us who pick up after our dogs can get it all cleaned up. I thank you for reviewing this request.
DrainageRiconosciutoLakeside Park Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington ElectricThe drain grate by the baketball
Court fell in leaving a 4' deep rectangular hole for someone to break a leg or a child to disappear into Please come fix quickly!! -
Street Pavement ConditionRiconosciuto2-40 Borestone Ln Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington ElectricThe pavement on the bike path is totally ripped up, seemingly from winter plowing, with debris scattered well behind the nasty hole.
Tennis Nets?RiconosciutoLeddy Park Rd Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington ElectricCan you please let me know when the tennis nets at Leddy and other Burlington parks will be taken down for the winter?
SidewalkRiconosciuto16 Borestone Ln Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington ElectricThe pavement was ripped up (by plows?) over the winter, causing a major hazard for bicyclists traveling on this section of bike path. Please don't let this condition deteriorate even further.
Library plaza covered in urine Riconosciuto227 College St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricSince the city is allowing people to use the library plaza as a bathroom, why not put in a porta potty? This is absolutely disgusting and a health hazard. How about some harm reduction for the taxpayers?
Downed tree damaged fenceRiconosciuto121 Home Ave Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington ElectricA tree fell into the backyard of private property at 121 Home Ave. I processed the wood that fell into the property but I believe fence is part of Baird Park. The fence could be part of the Champlain Housing Trust property but since the fence extends on the entire block I think it's Baird Park. I can cut the other side of the tree on city property if needbe but I'll wait to hear from the city since the fence will need repairs at some point.
Church Street MarketplaceRiconosciuto117 Church St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington ElectricPlease add at least one inverted U bike rack per block on the Church Street Marketplace. I attempted to park my bike yesterday and found no bike rack on Church street from Main Street all the way to Cherry Street. The only two bike racks were at Church/Cherry and Church/Pearl. I understand needing to remove some for plowing but to not provide bike parking for 3 blocks is not a good practice.
Sidewalk Choke Points Church StreetRiconosciuto120 Church Street Burlington, Vermont - Burlington ElectricThis issue was addressed once last August 2017 by CSM. This summer there are notable choke points at 120 and 148 Church Street that do not observe the nine foot clearance. It should be noted that at these two locations the permanent black markings on the bricks only indicate a SEVEN foot clearance, not nine feet and these businesses normally set their tables well outside these markings leaving only about a 4.5 foot right-of-way.
OtherApri99 Church St Burlington 05401, United States - Burlington ElectricPlease return the bike rack in front of Garcia’s.
189 Bank St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington ElectricWith warm weather approaching this area really needs a secure rack for customers to lock their bikes up