Burlington, VT PLUS

Otwarte sprawy: 1 065 Sprawy zamknięte: 42 502 Acknowledged Issues: 2 269
  • Oak St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    The blocks of Oak Street between Intervale and Manhattan have cars being driven too fast and stop signs ignored. The Boys & Girls Club and Roosevelt Park are both here with lots of kids on the sidewalks and crossing. Google routes east-west traffic along Oak Street. These are cars coming from 127 and heading toward Winooski and vice versa. It would be great to have the new speed bumps tried out here!
  • Conger Ave & Harrison Ave Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Cars entering Harrison from Conger travel through an uncontrolled intersection with limited visibility. There are frequent close calls between pedestrians, cyclists, and cars at this intersection and it seems imminent that an accident will occur. I'd like to recommend a stop sign be placed on Conger at this location
  • Shelburne St & Clymer St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Hello, I live on a side street off Shelburne Rd. (Clymer St.) I am wondering when this high traffic commuter artery will get some Street Calming. The posted speed limit is 30 mph, 25 in the area of the school crossing. Most all of the cars are driving over the speed limit, which is especially concerning when the school crossing lights are flashing. In addition, many cars drive through (run) the red light at the Prospect Pkw. intersection. I know well how fast the cars are traveling, as there is an electronic speed indicator in front of the Ready Funeral Home. I see this flashing at the cars speeding daily while walking my dog. Perhaps a police presence during rush hour, or a parked unmanned car could be a quickly implemented deterrent.
  • 282-318 Manhattan Dr Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Please add some sort of traffic calming to Manhattan Drive between oak street and spring street. Parked cars are hit weekly. Cars use this as a speedway. It’s in a school zone and not safe.
  • 133-159 East Ave Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Someone just drove through every single cone going northbound for both of the new chicane features. The cones are now scattered chaotically around the sections, which may be confusing to drivers.
  • North St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Traffic light at North and Elmwood not functioning correctly
  • 2-56 Intervale Ave Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric

    Please put in speed bumps that will actually slow cars down. People drive 50mph down Intervale Ave. It's extremely unsafe... kids are playing outside, people are walking and biking everywhere. It's actually scary to pull out of my driveway or open my door when I'm parked on the street. I've almost been hit by wreckless drivers, I've seen others almost hit. Many of these drivers truly don't care about anyone else.

    Elmwood Ave (north of North St.) and Grove St (near the intersection with Barrett St.) are excellent examples of whats needed.

  • Pomeroy St & N Willard St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    This is part of my regular walking path and at least a couple times a week I am cut off by a car or cyclist as I’m in the crosswalk. It seems to be a higher speed area between other requires stopping points on this well travelled road. When this happened to crosswalk I used to use a lot near Battery Park a cross walk cone helped some. We have some children in the neighbor who cross on their bikes here often as well. Thanks for considering - Melanie Jannery
  • 1-49 Poirier Pl Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington Electric
    With a nursing home at the corner of Poirier and children walking to school daily, there has been concern for someone getting hit. There are no side walks and drivers use this road as a short cut. I have seen many close calls because drivers are going well over the speed limit. It would be wonderful if we could install speed bumps like Gosse Court. Thank you!
  • 314 North St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Would like to have either signs or lines drawn near his driveway as he is having issues with people parking on the street and blocking his drivway
  • Manhattan Dr & Oak St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Could we consider putting a three-way stop sign at this intersection? The current yield/no-yield situation is unfriendly. There are equal amounts of traffic going north & sound bound, but cars going north still have the right of way, and whip around the corner at a tight angle, not allowing others to proceed. Additionally, the current yield sign makes it very unsafe for pedestrians wanting to cross at the intersections. Thank you!
  • Intervale Ave & Oak St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Please consider adding a flashing "Four-way stop" sign to this intersection. Drivers traveling on Riverside/Oak Street consistently miss drivers traveling on Intervale/Manhattan Dr, and there have been many near-collisions.