Burlington, VT PLUS

Open Issues: 828 Closed Issues: 40 492 Acknowledged Issues: 2 784
  • 500 Pine St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    At the corner of Pine and Locust St, two bikes have been chained up against the crossing signal pole. Please remove. Thank you.
  • 132 North Ave Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Please pick up cleared bike at Station 2 Back door
  • 1-49 Briggs St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Please immediately remove the invasive species callers pear that we just saw planted on the new champlain parkway by Distefano Landscaping folks. These are extremely invasive and banned in many states already. We already have buckthorn taking over our city and can’t risk another. we need to do better!
  • 288 Flynn Ave Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Damage from the installation of city storm water infrastructure is not being repaired by crew on site today. They have said their “powers that be” said they wouldn’t be repaired. Many deep gouges like this were made by project excavators. Concern of water pooling and ice as well as a ruined basketball court where the kids play.
  • 133 N Winooski Ave Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    AirBnB property having construction work performed without a city permit facing the street for review.
    Part-time renters are not adhering to the driveway encroachment ordinance and will face fines and towing if it keeps up. They must be informed when parking on the "free" street, they cannot encroach with in 2 feet of driveway cuts.
  • 285 S Willard St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    So far, the road markings for the repaved segment of South Willard between Cliff and Maple do not include the northbound bike lane.
  • 77 Pine St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    This handicap parking space is repeatedly filled by construction and delivery vehicles. I have not been able to ifnd a nearby spot that allows deployment of a passenger side ramp....or any replacement for this space.
  • 76 Marble Ave Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Active apartment construction apparently without permits. Sidewalk completely blocked 7/25 p.m. without any signage.
  • King St & S Winooski Ave Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    Walked by Sunday around noon. Sidewalk, sliding earth and flimsy orange barrier appears unsafe for pedestrians.
  • Lakeside Ave & Pine St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric

    Sat for 4 light cycles and easily could have gone around but guy in middle of road would not let anyone pass but only in one direction.

    No safety for pedestrians and almost hit runners.

    Work equipment lacked plates required by law.

    Perhaps time to hold these few contractors winning every rfp to account?

  • 77 Saint Paul St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    This handicap accessible spot is again being used for construction materials.
  • Elmwood Ave Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    As an IAA family, fully supportive of slowing traffic down around the school, but the rubber speed bumps being installed here and on Packard cannot be traversed without coming to a full stop. 10mph is too fast and the city will be at risk for damages if that is what they are posting for a speed limit.