Burlington, VT PLUS

Vấn đề Mở: 1.031 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 42.336 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 2.267
  • Active Construction IssueĐược thừa nhận
    199 Main St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Parking is very limited by the main st construction. The problem is amplified by contractors taking nearly all of the available parking spots. Sometimes parking all day in the 30 minute spots and the temporary bus stop. Something should be done about this.
  • Active Construction IssueĐược thừa nhận
    2-54 Plattsburg Ave Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington Electric
    Why did the local motion setup the no right lane turn to Plattsburgh ave. Thought this was done with for the year. Causing a lot of traffic issues.
  • Active Construction IssueĐược thừa nhận
    77 Pine St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    This handicap parking space is repeatedly filled by construction and delivery vehicles. I have not been able to ifnd a nearby spot that allows deployment of a passenger side ramp....or any replacement for this space.
  • Active Construction IssueĐược thừa nhận
    77 Saint Paul St Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    This handicap accessible spot is again being used for construction materials.
  • Active Construction IssueĐược thừa nhận
    Elmwood Ave Burlington, Vermont, 05401 - Burlington Electric
    As an IAA family, fully supportive of slowing traffic down around the school, but the rubber speed bumps being installed here and on Packard cannot be traversed without coming to a full stop. 10mph is too fast and the city will be at risk for damages if that is what they are posting for a speed limit.
  • Active Construction IssueĐược thừa nhận
    235 College St Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Blocking metered parking spots
  • Active Construction IssueĐược thừa nhận
    64 Temple St Burlington, VT, 05408, USA - Burlington Electric
    No erosion controls in place; Muddy discharge to downslope catch basin; Also hammer drilling prior to 8 a.m.
  • Active Construction IssueĐược thừa nhận
    6 Home Ave Burlington VT 05401, United States - Burlington Electric
    Fancy bike directions sign is on opposite side of street from bike path and is not visible from the path.
  • OtherĐược thừa nhận
    44.45738 -73.22317 - Burlington Electric
    Every morning as I walk my dog by the smell of petroleum and other carcinogenic polymers is very heavy over areas of Blanchard beach and a bike path
    This is not new, but it has become so concentrated and heavy, every single day, but I tried to hold my breath as I walk through it I live just to the north of the park and at times can even smell it at my house. It is in such concentration that it cannot be safe
    I know that others have posted aboutaddressed this and it has neadequately ver been ad dressed. passhebikepassanPar
  • OtherĐược thừa nhận
    Vt-127 Burlington, VT, USA - Burlington Electric
    on 127 going over the railroad track payment is all broken up
  • Street Pavement ConditionĐược thừa nhận
    270 Shelburne Rd Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric



  • DrainageĐược thừa nhận
    285 North St Burlington, VT, 05401, USA - Burlington Electric
    Melting snow and rain unable to drain from area of depressed sidewalk that is along the entire frontage of 285 North St, causing pedestrians to walk in street & resident has to walk through ankle deep or more water to access their steps & entry.