Corona PLUS
Open Issues: 116
Closed Issues: 55 080
Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 1 132
900–914 S Howard St Corona CA 92879, United States - CoronaPark light out. Could not find lamp number, it is the corner of 9th & Howard
Public Works RequestGodkänd868 Auburndale St Corona, California, 92878 - Coronatransient trash and camping in area
1724-1768 Butterfield Dr Corona, CA, 92878, USA - CoronaDog park in desperate need of maintenance. Constant mud pools, huge holes, broken concrete, and needs leveling. Do better Corona, Eastvale dog parks close once a year for a month to refurbish and build new turf to keep the dogs safe
2110 Whitman Way Corona, CA 92878, USA - Corona4 trees need to be trimmed. 2 on Whitman way. 2 on cornerstone way.
1860 S Lincoln Ave Corona, CA, 92882, USA - CoronaPark exercise equipment for example, this elliptical glider, needs service. The bracket holding one of the sides is broken and hangs. This is a popular piece in Lincoln park. The playground also is in need of service, repair and replacements. Bolts holding many key play area parts are loose or missing causing kids play to be feminized or dangerous. Swings are missing also. The playground could really use a cleaning with a blower once in a while.
Tehachapi Park - CoronaA few broken sprinklers along the flower bed area in the park. This might have been reported previously.
270-1198 W Chase Dr Corona, CA, 92882, USA - CoronaWater seeping creating mud build up on the sidewalk