City of Newton PLUS

Solicitações em aberto: 113 Questões Encerradas: 421 Solicitações Reconhecidas: 133
  • 83-99 Station Avenue Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    On a regular basis there are cars going the wrong way on Station Street next to the Newton Highlands T Stop. Maybe there was some signage before clearly indicating that this is a one way street, but it is not clear to cars now. They drive into the street, make a U turn in the bank drive way and drive back out towards Walnut St. I have seen it 4 times in the recent months, out of the 6 times I have been parked on that street. Please clearly mark this street as one way.
  • 255-257 Tremont St Newton 02458, United States - Newton
    Stop sign needed. Busy intersection. Waverly and Whittamore
  • New sign requestReconhecida
    208-262 Nahanton Street Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    2 traffic lanes (headed from Needham towards Newton, before the light) merge together with absolutely no signage provided.
  • New sign requestReconhecida
    1479 Washington Street Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    On the ramp exiting the Mass Pike at the traffic light that merges with Washington Street, right turns are allowed on red from the right-hand lane. In practice, though, cars turn right on red from *both* lanes. I've observed cars honk at others in the left lane at red lights because they are not turning through the red light. Please update the signage to reflect common practice - or enforce what is actually permitted here.
  • 306 Lagrange Street Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    This intersection looks dangerous! It could be improved with Yield signs at channelized intersections and left turn lanes if you want it.
  • 288 Centre Street Newton, MA 02458, USA - Newton
    Hardly any markings designating this pedestrian crossing. Twice I have witnessed cars fly right through it when the light is on for pedestrians to cross.
  • 255 Washington Street Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    Drivers coming from Washington St are continually running this red slight without slowing down or stopping. The signs at this light say "Right on red after complete stop." I think these signs are encouraging people to just blow through the red light without even slowing down. This makes it very difficult for traffic coming from Park St (even when they have a green light) to get through the light and into the circle.
  • Pelham And Centre St Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    Old light fixtures on the east side have lights out, also one of the new LED fixtures on the west side does not turn on!
  • 250 Parker Street Newton, MA 02459, USA - Newton
    Cars speeding off route 9 off ramps at new traffic light
  • 329 Waban Ave newton/waban, MA - Newton

    My walk and especially where it meets curb needs shoveling every time it snows, as does the area by my back door and in front of my garage.


  • City-Wide Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    We need to change the overnight parking ban. Not everyone in this city has off street parking and quite frankly, banning all overnight parking from November 15 to April 15 regardless of weather conditions is ridiculous. Please address this!
  • 2-98 Marla Circle Newton Ma 02459 USA - Newton
    Street light is off and on all day and night. Pole no. 1338/5
    Thus issue has been resolved