City of Newton PLUS

Open Issues: 113 Closed Issues: 421 Acknowledged Issues: 133
  • PotholeПризнана
    Grove Street Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    Huge pot hole on bridge that cars are trying to avoid potential accident.
  • PotholeПризнана
    331-343 Dudley Road Newton, MA 02459, USA - Newton
    Pothole in road. Was repaired but terrible job done. Still pothole here. Please fix.
  • PotholeОткрыта
    455 Nahanton St Newton, MA 02459, USA - Newton
    huge 3ft. wide pothole. at least 2 more potholes are within 150 ft. very dangerous as pothole is almost on center line and appears to be at least 6 inches deep.
  • PotholeОткрыта
    2-22 Leslie Road Newton, MA - Newton
    A large pothole in the northbound driving lane on Washington St, near the corner with Leslie Rd. Deep enough that I could damage a wheel and it's tough to avoid.
  • PotholeОткрыта
    120 Jewett St Newton 02458, United States - Newton
  • Madison Ave newtonville, mass - Newton
  • PotholeОткрыта
    53 Hobart Road Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    Deep Manhole with side Pothole.. Manhole is worse than pothole. See SeeClickFix #4587136 for picture and history of comments.
  • PotholesОткрыта
    46n Waban Ave Newton, MA - Newton
    in front of 46 Waban Ave driveway.
  • 214 Newtonville Ave Newton, MA - Newton
    Hi, you just dug to fix our bad sewer pipe problem last week on the corner of Bellevue and Newtonville ave. it was extremely cold when you did the repair. You should know that the pavement you filled - has given way and there is a huge pothole in the street and I can guarantee that you need to fill it more and redo it…as the residents on Bellevue will make a scream - You really should go take a look at it. It's right on the side of my house on Bellevue street- you'll see the patch where you guys dug last week. You will get a very bad frost heave or a sinkhole if you don't do anything about it
  • 607-631 Dedham Street Newton, MA - Newton
    The road here is really really bad and torn up. Please fix.
  • PotholeПризнана
    1066-1080 Washington Street Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    numerous potholes from on washington st from walnut st intersection to rt 16 west newton.
  • 1145 Massachusetts 9 Newton, Massachusetts - Newton
    Merging in to an already dangerous intersection, the right hand turn on to center street heading towards Newton has several potholes, of which I have to Dodge while trying to not hit traffic merging from I-90.