City of Newton IYO
Fur Arrimaha: 113
Arrimaha xidhmay: 421
Arrimaha la Qiray: 133
Tree Maintenance ConcernLa qiray200-206 Woodcliff Rd Newton, MA 02461, USA - Newtonbig branch down at 198 Woodcliff.
Comm Ave At Hammond St Newton, Massachusetts - NewtonTraffic signal is blocked by tree branches heading west on Comm Ave at Hammond St.
Newton 02461 United States - NewtonThere is significant trash in the middle of the cold spring woods, including a grill, basketball hoop, chairs, skis and other misc debris. This is off the unofficial internal trail.
sidewalk blocked by carLa qiray42 Henshaw Street Newton, Massachusetts - Newtonwould be great to have a real sidewalk with well defined curbs here! thanks.