Beaches, Ponds, and Boating PLUS

Open Issues: 1 Closed Issues: 10 Acknowledged Issues: 2
  • Long Beach - Continental US
    The entrance road to the parking lot at Long Beach is almost unpassable due to deep ruts and puddles when it rains. I know the beach season is over but many people still use this area during the off-season. Was wondering if there were any plans to grade the dirt road before winter.
  • Ryder Way Town of Plymouth, MA, 02360, USA - US Congressional District MA10
    Today after the storm, we went to Long Beach with our grandkids. When my granddaughter had to go to the bathroom, we found out the bathroom are closed. Sandy's was closed for some reason and I find it sad that the bathrooms are closed when they are. Do this also mean the bathrooms are closed in the morning before they open? Forcing the beach goers use the ocean? This needs to change. The bathrooms should be open anytime the public and employees are there.
  • Plymouth County MA, USA - Continental US
    camper parking overnight in dunes and walking over dunes and destroying grasses and dunes. I also believe building tent platform on unbuildable lots. Conservation needs to look into this and I thought no overnight camping allowed