City of Chicopee PLUS

Open Issues: 2.004 Closed Issues: 21.471 Αναγνωρισμένα Θέματα: 293
  • 688 Grattan Street Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
    Cell phone / bike ect charging station. Zero cost to user … Chicopee tax collector will take your House if Taxes unpaid. This is ongoing at Szot also.
  • Health ConcernΆνοιγμα
    Chipotle Mexican Grill - Chicopee
  • 187 Pondview Drive Chicopee, Massachusetts, 01020 - Chicopee
    basket ball hoop sticking out in street on a corner cannot see it till its to late
  • 90 Mckinstry Avenue Chicopee, Massachusetts, 01013 - Chicopee
    Big yellow truck waits until after hours to park in handicapped spot with no handicapped sticker. It’s my understanding he’s already been fined. This truck needs to be towed.
  • Illegal parkingΆνοιγμα
    628 Center Street Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - Chicopee
    Visitors to 628 Center st. Ate parking in areas clearly marked as no parking. Along with vehicles blocking the road the issue is compounded by a crosswalk barrel into the same spot making passage even more difficult
  • 125 Nutmeg Circle Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
    I am totally against adding the Pilot Travel Center to the area of Burnett Road, Chicopee, MA. There are no upsides to this as far as I am concerned as a resident!
  • Grattan St Chicopee, Massachusetts, 01020 - Chicopee
    yellow street paintings on Aldenville,s side streets and secondary roads
  • 195-281 Shawinigan Dr Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
  • 1651 Memorial Drive Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
    Not sure how many times this has to be reported until someone takes it seriously. The property has a wood fence obstructing the view for drivers taking a right onto memorial from mccarthy. Per city regulation, fences can't be more than 3.5 feet tall from the setback line to the street line.
  • No waterΆνοιγμα
    79-99 Palmer Ave Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
    The water fountains have been off since 2020. Will you be turning them on this season?
  • E Main St Chicopee, Massachusetts, 01020 - Chicopee
    Mattress, chairs, tables, left on the property of Falls View Apts. on East Main Street across from Larry's Supplies.
  • 339 Front Street Chicopee, Massachusetts, 01013 - Chicopee
    Landlord of 339 front street blew all the leaves and trash that where around his property in to the middles of street and did not pick them up creating a very risky and unsafe location and street for vehicles driving on top of this leaves specifically when we r under a current advice of rain or snow and this could potentially lead to a vehicle crashing sliding or even killing someone due to his negligence and he is loadering as well