City of Chicopee PLUS

Open Issues: 2.005 Closed Issues: 21.471 Αναγνωρισμένα Θέματα: 293
  • Fire Code EnforcementΆνοιγμα
    416-420 Mckinstry Ave Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
    Human electrocution possible.
  • Fire Code EnforcementΆνοιγμα
    480 Front Street Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - Chicopee
    City of Chicopee tax payer funded green project is not “handicap accessible” as per Building dept requirement
  • Fire Code EnforcementΆνοιγμα
    136 Exchange St Chicopee, MA 01013, USA - Chicopee
    Trash of all kinds, tires, overgrowth This is what I look at every morning when I get up.
  • Fire Code EnforcementΆνοιγμα
    1864-1894 Westover Rd Chicopee, MA, 01022, USA - Chicopee
    Gasoline used by local terrorist to tarnish 911 memorial.
  • Fire Code EnforcementΆνοιγμα
    Bridge St Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
    Travelers travel 1000’s of miles to view Chicopee Falls. For 15 years this conglomerate of dead trees stuck on Chicopee Falls Dam creates a problem. Kayaker or Canoeist could get tangled.
  • Fire Code EnforcementΆνοιγμα
    213 Mccarthy Ave Chicopee, Massachusetts, 01020 - Chicopee
    Autumn Winds tenants are parking on narrow McCarthy Ave. when there aren't enough open spaces in the lot. It appears this will make it difficult for emergency vehicles to make it towards the end of McCarthy. Could someone check on that and contact the building owner? Thank you.
  • Fire Code EnforcementΆνοιγμα
    695 Montgomery St Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
    Sidewalk issue near Chicopee Comp.
  • Fire Code EnforcementΆνοιγμα
    244-276 Fuller Rd Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
    Squatters here. If there was a fire all escape exits would be blocked. Note…..2 late after someone succumbs to smoke inhalation or meat is well done
  • Fire Code EnforcementΆνοιγμα
    449 Front Street Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - Chicopee
    Potential cave in. Loss of life if wall collapses. See something say something
  • 41 Montauk Rd Chicopee, Massachusetts - Chicopee
    Truck parks on corner by fire hydrant And blocks view of cars stoped at stop sign on Larchmont to enter Montauk rd Have seen a lot of near misses need no parking here to coner sign
  • Fire HydrantsΑναγνωρισμένο
    88 Glendale Street Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
    People keep parking in front of the fire hydrant
  • Fire HydrantsΑναγνωρισμένο
    50 Linden St Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - Chicopee
    How come this guy parked for months blocking fire hydrant without tickets or being towed??? No one noticed it? Not only that, he also comes back home after 11pm all the time blasting music waking up my family and neighbors-thats really disrespectful.