City of Chicopee PLUS
Open Issues: 1 983
Closed Issues: 21 463
Acknowledged Issues: 293
37 Exchange Street Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - ChicopeeEvery other or every day possibly i don't drive that way daily. There's a red chevy truck with VT plates thats leaves the legion driving crazy all over the road etc
190-228 Mckinstry Ave Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - Chicopeeanother careless tenant that will eventually dump his trash bag in the middle of the street and leave it behind. making a dangerous situation for the traffic
102 Delaney Ave Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - Chicopeecoleridge place is the dead end st, my neighbor has mowed for over 45 yrs, and why the city doesnt do it, my neigbor petitioned to get road turned back to abuters, and denied, at the very least karen pasko should be given an abatement on her taxes, or the city should start mowing this road.
Patient CareOpenChicopee Fire Department Headquarters 80 Church St, Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - ChicopeePatient presents to u/c after being evaluated by Chicopee Fire/EMS for chest pain and heart palpitations. Patient is stating that she was seen by EMS, they took her vitals, and sent her on her own for further evaluation.
2-50 New Ludlow Rd Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - ChicopeePassenger and Commercial Vehicles, speeding at high rates of speed