City of Chicopee PLUS
Open Issues: 1,958
Closed Issues: 21,409
Acknowledged Issues: 278
Needle DisposalオープンMeadow St Chicopee, Massachusetts, 01013 - ChicopeeNeedles and used condom in middle of the road about halfway down the street by the McDonald's.
Needle Disposalオープン520 Chicopee St Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - ChicopeeThere is a syringe at my son’s bus stop that he nearly ran over. It is corner of chicopee Street and Shepherd Street on grass below the stop sign.
Needle DisposalオープンCamp St Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - ChicopeeOn going issue with people disposing needles and nips along side of road.
Needle Disposalオープン45-299 Depot St Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - ChicopeeChicopee depot street possible human disease spreading refuse. Five years and growing
Overgrowthオープン127 Warregan Street Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - ChicopeeThis property is an eyesore. The owners never clean anything or mow
They have children that play in this overgrown yard as well as overgrowth into other people's yards. It's been like this for years and never changed..Where is code enforcement in this ? -
Overgrowthオープン127 Warregan St Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - ChicopeeLawn not cut this season. 18" high grass. Property littered with trash.
Overgrowthオープン120 Acrebrook Dr Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - ChicopeeWe trim the bushes on our side of the fence, but the yard etc. on the other side - what a mess. I wish someone could come clean this mess. I complained before but don't get too far and I hate to complain but, when anyone comes to our house they comment on that house and it makes me upset so I put in a complaint because I can't do anything about the mess.
OvergrowthADIは、4 Archie St Chicopee, Massachusetts - ChicopeeGrass is about 12 to 15" tall. Looks terrible.
Overgrowthオープン19 Norman St Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - ChicopeePolaski Hall on the fence near parking lot