City of Chicopee PLUS
Mga Bukas na Isyu: 1,925
Mga Saradong Isyu: 21,310
Mga Na-acknowledge na Isy: 282
17 Boutin Street Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - ChicopeeThis business is being openly run in a residential neighborhood. Lots of business cars/trucks parked on the street at all hours.
17 Boutin St Chicopee 01020 -
Blind IntersectionBuksanBritton St & Royal St Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - ChicopeeCars on Royal Street entering Britton from the North create a hazard
Crumbling and rusted Buksan290 Columba Street Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - ChicopeeI-90 over pass in a dangerous condition
Owns a roosterBuksan6 Cecile Drive Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - ChicopeeShould not be owning a rooster
Boat ramp gate locked Buksan2-84 Medina St Chicopee, MA, 01013, USA - ChicopeeGate to boat ramp locked
Noxious FumesBuksan591 Memorial Drive Chicopee, MA, 01020, USA - ChicopeeNoxious Fumes from nail salon inside of Walmart.
Dangerous tripping hazard Buksan01020 Chicopee, MA, USA - ChicopeeWater dept placed new Quabbin pipes here. A Chicopee resident could trip … break their neck and drown in spillway then get eaten by something