City of Malden PLUS

Open Issues: 1,429 Closed Issues: 99,714 Acknowledged Issues: 656
  • OtherOpen
    105-109 Ferry St Malden, MA 02148, USA - Malden Ward 1
    Damaged bike rack
  • 7 Park Avenue Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 4
    Sidewalk is damage. Due to heavy rain on Tuesday night. Water comes down from the mountain, sidewalk is broken, having problems with parking the car. Also walk goes down to the ground. May get into the basement. Need assistance for this issue
  • OtherOpen
    721 Salem St Malden 02148, United States - Malden Ward 6
    Thought this was 3rd empty tree box, until I kicked the old insulation around. Was a street light. Needs attention. Bolts & wires exposed.
    Replace with either new light or tree?
  • 30 Chandler Road Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 3
    Why isn't this light red like other safety lights? Glares in through all my windows and reflects on all surfaces. It's this a problem for anyone else?
  • OtherOpen
    83 Devir St Malden MA 02148, United States - Malden Ward 2
    Slow children sign. People fly down the street and someone can get hurt.
  • Prospect St & Prospect Ter Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    It looks like someone hit the electricity pole opposite prospect terrace today. Knocked off the cable cover and the cables are exposed…which could be damaged. Unsure if they are.
  • OtherOpen
    140 Plymouth Rd Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 5
    City retaining wall is in need of repair. (CR)
  • OtherOpen
    1–31 Cherry St Malden 02148, United States - Malden Ward 6

    Can something be done in regards to removing the old pole right on the corner of cherry going onto Lebanon street, it blocks the view and this has been there for a while.

    Thank you

  • OtherOpen
    33 Maple Street Malden, Massachusetts, 02148 - Malden Ward 3
    guardrail that was between property and courthouse parking lot is down (RL)
  • 182 Glenwood St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3

    Starting yesterday afternoon there has been a constant ringing noise being emitted from either the transformer or the newly installed crosswalk signals. I verified this sound was coming from outside my home.

    The noise seems to be a high frequency ringing noise rather than a hum.

  • 147 Beltran St Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 3
    Beltran St and Lyle St - When will the double poles on Beltran Street be removed? The one at the corner of Beltran St and Lyle St will be a problem when it snows since there is a mound of sand piled up against it. Just up Beltran St is another one. The sand around it is missing and there is a hole. In the winter when it is covered with snow, someone will trip into it.
  • Mile 9.4 State Rte 60 W Malden, MA, 02148, USA - Malden Ward 2
    Theres this lamp over the sidewalk at Malden Station. A part of it broke off and its dangling precariously (like fully swaying) over a sidewalk where people pass to and from the station. It looks like a safety hazard, if it happened to fall someone, they'd probably get hurt pretty bad.