City of Taunton PLUS
Open Issues: 755
Temas cerrados: 60.886
Temas Reconocidos: 619
Street LightsReconocido488 Cohannet St Taunton, MA 02780, USA - TauntonPeople keep driving through the 4way intersection at Silver st and Cohannet st. I've almost been hit 3 times in about a month there recently. Can one of the flashing stop signs be added? Something needs to be done. Almost got killed twice in just two weeks from cars, not even stopping.
Street LightsAbierto2-8 Taunton Depot Dr Taunton, MA, 02780, USA - TauntonHow to fix a safety issue, by creating a worse traffic issue.
The light at Home Depot was changed to eliminate right on red; GOOD. But, instead of timing the left arrow on the opposite side to go red early and thus allowing traffic in shown direction to go, whoever programmed the light decided to keep the green arrow for the full length of time. This creates a line extending back past Heart's 4 corners. Add on school bus traffic and it's even worse.
I would get to 24 via Steven's Street and 140 north, but the construction created a big safety hazard in the morning because the on-ramp to 140 was shortened. So, when people are flying at 60-80, you have to punch it just not to get rear ended. Worse, if you have to get over two lanes to get in position to go 24 south.
Commuter rail and casino - if ever built - will make this so much worse. I hope whatever is end result of the construction addresses these issues. -
Street LightsAbierto7 Grosvenor Street Taunton, Massachusetts, 02780 - TauntonLow hanging wire from house on 7 Grosvenor St to Pole, possibly cable wires.
Street LightsAbierto196 Quequechan Rd Taunton, MA 02780, USA - TauntonStreet light on cul-de-sac is out and needs replacement
Street LightsAbierto28 Jenny Lind Street Taunton, Massachusetts, 02780 - TauntonLow hanging wire near the street light
Street LightsAbierto28 Pine Street Taunton, Massachusetts, 02780 - TauntonStreet light is not working
Street LightsAbierto48 Taunton Green Taunton, Massachusetts, 02780 - TauntonThe pedestrian walk sign is missing at the lights facing Taunton Green, between Seeley lot and Fall River Pawn Brokers. If standing on the Green and press the button on the pole to cross the street, there is no sign across the street telling the pedestrian when they can cross. Thank you
Street LightsAbierto504 Whittenton Street Taunton, MA, 02780, USA - TauntonI just fell down my front stairs because every Street light in front of my house is off because they are shooting a @#$% show three houses away from me. It’s not right to put residence at risk because they are filming. I am more than I rate already and I am injured and twisted my ankle because the street lights are shut off because of a TV show.
Street LightsAbierto23 Randall Street Taunton, Massachusetts, 02780 - TauntonStreet light out at 23 Randall St for more than three weeks
Street LightsAbierto2 N Walker Street Taunton, Massachusetts, 02780 - TauntonStreet light pole leaning and causing wires in yard to be reachable and hanging low. It's also causing the other pole its connected to to be super tight. Pole needs to be straightened and reinforced.
Street LightsAbierto7 Grosvenor Street Taunton, Massachusetts, 02780 - TauntonWires are even lower now after the wind, rain and sleet we had last week