City of Taunton PLUS

Open Issues: 667 Closed Issues: 60,203 Acknowledged Issues: 570
  • Berms & ApronsAcknowledged
    45 Anawan St Taunton, MA, 02780, USA - Taunton
    Serious issues with water and the newly paved street. would like the supervisor to look at the end of the road. The drain also need to be reconstructed. Street supervisor
  • Berms & ApronsAcknowledged
    55 Hewitt Ave Taunton, MA, 02780, USA - Taunton
    Resident would like a berm installed because water from the street floods her front yard. She stated the city workers installed a berm in front of her neighbors property last week.
  • Berms & ApronsAcknowledged
    25 Highland Street Taunton, MA - Taunton
    Berm placement not sufficient for drainage
  • Berms & ApronsAcknowledged
    715 Norton Ave Taunton, MA, 02780, USA - Taunton
    Property is at Int Norton Ave & Rosewood Dr. Few years ago plows took out their RR ties in front of their house (from mailbox to Rosewood Dr). They got rid of them but they were told a berm would be put in place. Would like to know when the berm will be installed.
  • Berms & ApronsAcknowledged
    286 Dighton Ave Taunton, MA, 02780, USA - Taunton
    Water is flooding the yard. Needs a berm installed.
  • Berms & ApronsAcknowledged
    21 Hoover St Taunton, MA, 02780, USA - Taunton
    When the road was redone the did not meet the end of her driveway correctly. With the plows and age it has caused issues with water and deterioration. Please place an apron at the end of the driveway.
  • Berms & ApronsAcknowledged
    20 Hillside Dr Taunton, MA, 02780, USA - Taunton
    Street is a hill. Water washes out the front yard of resident property, especially with heavy rains.
  • Berms & ApronsAcknowledged
    616 Seekell Street Taunton, MA - Taunton
    Resident has had problems with flooding in the past. DPW workers have interacted with him. Please contact him to discuss
  • Berms & ApronsAcknowledged
    25 Shore Drive Taunton, MA - Taunton
    washing retaining wall away.
  • Berms & ApronsAcknowledged
    423 Tremont Street Taunton, MA - Taunton
    berm request
  • Burt St & Glebe St Taunton, Massachusetts, 02780 - Taunton
    Brush on corner of Glebe and Burt. Brush all down Glebe St. overgrown into street
  • Scadding St & Hillside Dr Taunton, Massachusetts, 02780 - Taunton
    Bushes have need to be cut back for years, request from neighbor with motorhome that can not afford to have awning or camper scratched up anymore. (NEW awning) also hard to see traffic coming on Scadding St when pulling out.