City of Melrose IYO
Fur Arrimaha: 307
Arrimaha xidhmay: 1,797
Arrimaha la Qiray: 172
22 Damon Avenue Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - MelroseLarge snow pile blocking a crosswalk to the Horace Mann school.
169 Laurel Street Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - MelroseMelrose Common Playground (tot side) - The play structure has a see-through bubble window that is about to pop off. It is already loose on two sides and seems pretty dangerous for a toddler.
945 Main St Melrose MA 02176, United States - MelrosePedestrian don't walk signs at intersection of Main and Franklin have a lot of burned out bulbs, especially the southeast corner.
323 Pleasant St Melrose MA 02176, United States - MelroseThe DPW plows down Ashmont and across Pleasant leaving large quantities of snow on the sidewalk and onto private property that are back breaking to move I understand the snow needs to be put somewhere but if they are going to dump it on the sidewalk a homeowner is responsible for clearing that seems unfair rty
Melrose Massachusetts - MelroseTree branch in parking lot behind Eastern Bank. All section of grass there needs to be cut.
97-101 Tremont St Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - MelroseBroken speaker on top of fence- looks like that speaker might fall
Echo St & Grandview Ave Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - MelroseStreets where paved and sidewalks added. Grass was never planted. Someone keeps driving over curb and it just looks unfinished.
Horace Mann Elementary School 40 Damon Ave, Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - MelrosePlayground element has disconnected