City of Melrose IYO
Fur Arrimaha: 307
Arrimaha xidhmay: 1,797
Arrimaha la Qiray: 172
38 Gould Street Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - MelroseThey start the construction everyday before 7:00am and even Saturday! Now It’s Saturday 8:00am in the morning ! Our kids need rest!
101 Beacon St Melrose MA 02176, United States - MelroseFire box needs repair at corner of Beacon St. and Echo St.
27 Cottage St Melrose MA 02176, United States - MelroseWasp nest on side of Lincoln school Near front playground
Lynde Ave & W Wyoming Ave Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - MelroseNear 287-289 W Wyoming Ave, Melrose, MA 02176, the sidewalk on both sides of w Wyoming get flooded when it rains. The sidewalks fill up, to the point that the curbs barely shows if at all. Many times I have been drenched trying to balance on the curb while trucks pass by splashing me head to toe on my daily commute to and from the commuter rail to my home. I can't even cross the street with hope of staying dry, it's the same on the other side. The bus stop doesn't help either, sincere there's no shelter or paved area, and runs on a slow schedule anyways. Can the sidewalk be fixed and overflow manholes be put in place with proper drainage? Or maybe make the road and sidewalk higher grade?
1-57 Waverly Pl Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - MelroseThere is a dead tree on the right side at the end of Derby just before it goes to Waverly. A huge branch fell last year and almost hit someone and the tree is dying and needs to be removed. I am concerned for anyone who walks on that side of the street.
46 Maple Rd Melrose, Massachusetts, 02176 - MelroseThere is a sink hole forming in front of the sewer in front of 46 Maple Rd. There is no fill under the asphalt, so it will become quite a large and deep hole if anything very heavy rests on it. It has the potential to cause a lot of damage if it gets much larger.