City of Melrose PLUS

Open Issues: 307 Closed Issues: 1 797 Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 172
  • PotholeÖppna
    11 Felicia Road Melrose, Massachusetts, 02176 - Melrose
    Pothole in front of driveway
  • PotholeÖppna
    241 W Emerson Street Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - Melrose
    Large pothole in front of 241 West Emerson forces vehicles to swerve into oncoming lane to avoid the pothole. Been this way for months. Please fix asap.
  • PotholeÖppna
    28 Chipman Ave Melrose 02176 United States - Melrose
    Giant pothole
  • PotholeÖppna
    89 Walton Park Melrose MA 02176, United States - Melrose
    Huge pot hole. Street is bad enough and people are dodging everything at this point. Please fix this to make it a little easier. Thank you!
  • PotholeÖppna
    370 Porter Street Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - Melrose
    Growing Potholes between 352 & 374 Porter
  • PotholeÖppna
    148 Bellevue Avenue Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - Melrose
  • PotholeÖppna
    2–30 School St Melrose MA 02176, United States - Melrose
  • PotholeÖppna
    125 Sycamore Rd Melrose MA 02176, United States - Melrose
  • PotholeÖppna
    89-199 Meridian St Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - Melrose
  • PotholeÖppna
    30-48 6th St Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - Melrose
    Significant amount of sidewalk panels broken on 6th St on the Common. Loose concrete debris still present as well. This stretch could use some work.
  • PotholeÖppna
    95 Malvern St Melrose MA 02176, United States - Melrose
    The tree planted in the sidewalk is causing uneven and dangerous sidewalk in 3 places Someone just tripped over this and took a nasty fall. The sidewalk needs repair and the tree may need to be taken down
  • PotholeÖppna
    401–499 Grove St Melrose MA 02176, United States - Melrose