City of Melrose PLUS

Open Issues: 307 Closed Issues: 1 797 Uppmärksammade Ärenden: 172
  • PotholeÖppna
    Sheffield Rd & Woodcrest Dr Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - Melrose
  • PotholeÖppna
    60 Whitman Ave Melrose MA 02176, United States - Melrose
  • PotholeÖppna
    48 Pilgrim Road Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - Melrose
    Entire section of Pilgrim road is in disrepair from Standish road to end. Pothole pictured grows with every rainstorm, and will soon damage my driveway.
  • PotholeÖppna
    49 East Wyoming Avenue Melrose, Massachusetts, 02176 - Melrose
  • PotholeÖppna
    28 Chipman Ave Melrose 02176 United States - Melrose
    Giant pothole
  • PotholeÖppna
    2–24 Wentworth Rd Melrose MA 02176, United States - Melrose
    Double pothole
  • PotholeÖppna
    168 Laurel Street Melrose, Massachusetts, 02176 - Melrose
    Three potholes at this location
  • PotholeÖppna
    89 Walton Park Melrose MA 02176, United States - Melrose
    Huge pot hole. Street is bad enough and people are dodging everything at this point. Please fix this to make it a little easier. Thank you!
  • PotholeÖppna
    375 Porter Street Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - Melrose
    Potholes IAO 365-380 Porter St
  • PotholeÖppna
    1–99 Chipman Ave Melrose MA 02176, United States - Melrose
  • PotholeÖppna
    148 Bellevue Avenue Melrose, MA, 02176, USA - Melrose
  • PotholeÖppna
    W Wyoming Ave Melrose, Massachusetts, 02176 - Melrose
    Eastbound lane of West Wyoming, the whole length from JJ Grimsby to Main is full of deep potholes, mainly near the curb. Many cars are driving on or over the double yellow line to avoid them. Please fill them before we end up with car damage or worse, a head-on collision