Town of Needham PLUS
القضايا المفتوحة: 1,407
اصدارا: 23,491
قضايا المعترف: 704
Animal Issuesتم إقراره493 High Rock St Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamDead skunk on sidewalk. On High Rock St very close to the intersection of Marked Tree. On right hand sidewalk on High Rock St. heading toward the Newman.
Animal Issuesتم إقرارهChambers St & Linden St Town of Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamDead animal in the road.
Animal Issuesتم إقرارهDedham Ave & Webster St Town of Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamDead animal on Dedham Ave near Webster St. Please pick up.
Roadkill in Roadwayتم إقراره97 Great Plain Ave Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamDead animal in roadway; please pick up
Animal Issuesتم إقراره475 Hillside Ave Needham, MA, 02494, USA - NeedhamA possum has been just hanging around our yard since yesterday. Fenced in and we have a dog. Fear is that it has disease..
Animal Issuesتم إقراره25 May St Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamPlease pick-up large dead skunk at intersection of May St @ Fair Oaks Park. Citizen Lee notified DPW
Animal Issuesتم إقراره260 Hunnewell St Needham Heights, MA, 02494, USA - NeedhamThere is a dead rabbit that needs to be cleaned up please.
Animal Issuesتم إقراره113 Chapel St Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamPick-up dead pigeon in front of Bagel Best. Needham Police notified DPW.