Town of Needham PLUS
Open Issues: 1,446
Closed Issues: 23,594
Acknowledged Issues: 730
Tree IssuesOpen356-384 Country Way Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamThe sidewalk is tremendously overgrown from this protected area. You can see if there’s a lot of vines growing on the electrical lines and even the telephone pole on the far right side.
Tree IssuesOpen42 Longfellow Road Needham Heights, MA, 02494, USA - Needhamtree on the berm- growing sideways. please take a look and trim if needed. homeowner concerned it might grow into the street and get clipped by a car.
Tree IssuesOpen57 Prospect Street Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - NeedhamTree, that may be damaged or have rot hanging over sidewalk.
Tree IssuesOpen5 Mary Chilton Rd Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamCut back bushes/tree branches in back swale at Mary Chilton Rd @ Great Plain Ave. - safety hazard. Vehicles unable to see at intersection. Man Citizen notified DPW.
Tree IssuesOpenSachem Rd & Utica Rd Town of Needham, MA, 02494, USA - NeedhamBush blocking the stop sign
Tree IssuesOpenKendrick St Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needhamrec'd a call of a large broken tree hanging over the guardrail. this person hit it and broke the side mirror off his vehicle
Tree IssuesOpen76 Rosemary St Needham Heights, MA, 02494, USA - NeedhamAccess road up to the high school is full of leaves. please clean up. resident called asking if we could pick up the leaves & brush. Thank you.
Tree IssuesOpen154-198 Jarvis Cir Town of Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamCorner of Nehoiden and Central Ave. Drivers at stop sign making a left have a very obstructed view of cars coming from west on Central. Large evergreen bush outside the homeowners fence block the visual and is a huge safety issue. Bush needs to be trimmed back significantly. That corner is very dangerous only because of the everygreen bush
Tree IssuesOpen20 Brentwood Cir Needham, MA, 02492, USA - Needhamresident claims a town tree fell on his yard. please check out.
Tree IssuesOpen851 Charles River Street Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamWe believe that the overhanging tree is a very dangerous situation on this busy street (Charles River Street). It’s at risk falling on the street / on a car
Tree IssuesOpen193 Hillcrest Rd Needham MA 02492, United States - NeedhamThere is a large tree down by the water tower on Hillcrest Rd