Town of Needham PLUS
Problèmes Ouverts: 1 448
Problèmes Clos: 23 600
Problèmes Pris en compte: 731
Tree IssuesReconnu1052 Highland Avenue Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - NeedhamHoney Locust Tree that has many diseased/dead branches on it. Will become more dangerous as snow weighs down the weakened boughs. This tree needs a hard pruning . This may improve the health of this very old tree
Tree IssuesReconnu17-131 High Rock St Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamApproximate location, within a few hundred feet. Small tree branches in one area scrape cars as they drive by going towards Chestnut Street. Forces trucks slightly out into the middle of the road. When a car is coming the other way, it forces large cars/trucks to steer into the branches and they slap side of car.
Tree IssuesReconnu2-98 Allen St Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamDeFazio Park.
East of Brock Soccer Fields (RR to your left), there are two (2) Double Flowering Crab Apple (I believe) trees growing up the hill that are both being terribly strangulated on account of certain ground vines (Honeysuckle?) rising upwards and permeating throughout.
Thank you for your kind attention and concern.
Ron Rich -
Tree IssuesReconnu121 Hillside Ave Needham Heights MA 02494, United States - NeedhamBush/tree is overgrown and covers most of sidewalk and extremely hard to walk past. I'm legally blind and very hard to navigate with my cane
Tree IssuesReconnu88 Wyoming Ave Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - NeedhamOvergrown trees on town side of Wyoming Ave.
Tree IssuesReconnuGage St & Marshall St Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamSidewalk completely blocked by an overgrown bush.
Tree IssuesReconnu1047-1053 Central Ave Needham, MA, 02492, USA - Needham
Tree limb came down in the roadway. Moved to the side of the road. It needs to be addressed in the AM.
Tree IssuesReconnu128 Arch Street Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamTwo tress at 128 Arch look like they are unstable and could fall on a pedestrian walking or biking by.
Tree IssuesReconnu21 Armen Way Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamMultiple large trees clearly diseased - no bark, no leaves threatening walkway and property.
Tree IssuesReconnuCoulton Park Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - NeedhamAt the end of Coulton park, there is a large pile of logs. Yesterday, I found a group of 7 and 8 year olds climbing on and UNDER the logs. This is a very dangerous situation and could cause severe bodily harm.
Tree IssuesReconnu40 Lincoln Street Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - Needham
Town tree in private property. This tree was looked up and is one of the replants from the big storm years ago and is not thriving any more. Owner would like to take next steps to remove/replant if appropriate. Please advise as necessary.
Steve Geraci 508 638 8189 40 Lincoln St
Tree IssuesReconnu72 Mayo Avenue Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - Needhamfeel that the limbs are overgrown and is worried that some can fall and be a haxard.