Town of Needham PIU
Problemi aperti: 1.368
Problemi chiusi: 23.309
Problemi presi in atto: 701
SignsRiconosciuto206-248 Nehoiden St Town of Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamCars do not stop at this crosswalk. It’s like it’s optional for half of the cars that pass by. I have notified the police but I’m not satisfied with the response. This has been a problematic crosswalk for years, a report was filed in 2018 and as far as I know has not been resolved. Lines need to be repainted, additional safety features should be added.
SignsApriAdmiral Gracey Dr Town of Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamThis access road was supposed to be for emergency use only and yet people are constantly driving down as though it is an exit for the Highschool. There was chains put in at both end but yet the town will not put up to prevent cars from accessing. Please put up chains.
SignsApri1188-1198 Highland Ave Town of Needham, MA, 02494, USA - NeedhamThe Highland Ave street crossing from the Needham HS atheltic field stairs to the Hungry Coyote,Subway, Dunkin shops is very difficult to make. There is a cross walk further down the street at the base of Oakland street but I seldom see people walk to that cross walk if they are coming from the HS or are parking on the HS side of the street. Would a cross walk with one of those flashing lights be possible. If this is the wrong forum is there another way to request this from the town?