Town of Needham PIU

Problemi aperti: 1.437 Problemi chiusi: 23.585 Problemi presi in atto: 727
  • SignsApri
    170 Nehoiden St Needham MA 02492, United States - Needham
    Trail sign missing for wayfinding across creek in Rosemary path
  • SignsApri
    31 Mann Avenue Needham, MA, 02492, USA - Needham
    There are utility construction vehicles parked around the clock on Fairfield Street at the intersection of Mann — they are completely blocking the stop sign from view. I’ve seen two cars blow through the intersection without stopping, probably because they didn’t see the sign. There’s also a blind spot at the intersection because of a hedge. It’s an accident waiting to happen. We need a temporary stop sign that drivers can see or to get the vehicles moved.
  • SignsApri
    Highland Ave & Needham St Needham, MA, 02494, USA - Needham
    There should be a street sign indicating the street name change at the town / city line between Needham and Newton. The sign should read "Highland Avenue", directly at the state "ENTERING NEEDHAM" sign. Can you please install a new sign indicating the correct street name change. Thank you in advance.
  • SignsApri
    1155 Central Ave Needham, MA, 02492, USA - Needham
    Remove home-made wooden sign holder in front lawn, by sidewalk at Newman School. Homeowner Janet Krawiecki, 1152 Central Ave, 781.444.2692, EM: notified DPW.
  • SignsApri
    1-41 Kendrick St Town of Needham, MA, 02494, USA - Needham
    There is no street sign where the street changes from Nahanton Street to Kendrick Street. There is also no town line sign of any type to mark where the line is.
  • SignsApri
    707 Highland Ave Needham Heights, MA, 02494, USA - Needham
    Why is there no "Left Lane Must Turn Left" signs as there are at EVERY other intersection in town where the left lane must turn left?
  • SignsApri
    955 Webster St Needham MA 02492, United States - Needham
    Crosswalk with sign needed in front of 955 Webster where sidewalk ends and picks up on other side of street
  • SignsApri
    Central Ave Town of Needham, MA, 02494, USA - Needham
    no signage where Central Avenue starts versus Elliot St.
  • 1016 Great Plain Ave Needham 02492, United States - Needham
    Can we get the Church to prune the tree limbs near the street light.
  • Street LightsRiconosciuto
    875 Highland Avenue Needham, Massachusetts - Needham

    NW corner Highland Ave & Avery Square.

    Light is out despite recent conversion to LED.

  • Street LightsRiconosciuto
    Rybury Hillway & Highgate St Needham, MA, 02492, USA - Needham
    Highgate between Arch/Rybury and Audrey is very dark and not well lit. This is a stretch of street that is at the top of a hill and already has challenging sightlines due to the elevation profile. Not sure if streetlights are out or if they just don't exist, but it is dangerously dark on a street where pedestrians are often walking and cannot be seen well.
  • 1063 Great Plain Avenue Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - Needham
    Street Light out in front of Needham Bank near the railroad tracks.