Town of Needham PIU
Problemi aperti: 1.437
Problemi chiusi: 23.585
Problemi presi in atto: 727
SignsApri31 Mann Avenue Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamThere are utility construction vehicles parked around the clock on Fairfield Street at the intersection of Mann — they are completely blocking the stop sign from view. I’ve seen two cars blow through the intersection without stopping, probably because they didn’t see the sign. There’s also a blind spot at the intersection because of a hedge. It’s an accident waiting to happen. We need a temporary stop sign that drivers can see or to get the vehicles moved.
SignsApriHighland Ave & Needham St Needham, MA, 02494, USA - NeedhamThere should be a street sign indicating the street name change at the town / city line between Needham and Newton. The sign should read "Highland Avenue", directly at the state "ENTERING NEEDHAM" sign. Can you please install a new sign indicating the correct street name change. Thank you in advance.
SignsApri1155 Central Ave Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamRemove home-made wooden sign holder in front lawn, by sidewalk at Newman School. Homeowner Janet Krawiecki, 1152 Central Ave, 781.444.2692, EM: notified DPW.
Street LightsApri1016 Great Plain Ave Needham 02492, United States - NeedhamCan we get the Church to prune the tree limbs near the street light.
Street LightsRiconosciuto875 Highland Avenue Needham, Massachusetts - Needham
NW corner Highland Ave & Avery Square.
Light is out despite recent conversion to LED.
Street LightsRiconosciutoRybury Hillway & Highgate St Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamHighgate between Arch/Rybury and Audrey is very dark and not well lit. This is a stretch of street that is at the top of a hill and already has challenging sightlines due to the elevation profile. Not sure if streetlights are out or if they just don't exist, but it is dangerously dark on a street where pedestrians are often walking and cannot be seen well.
Street LightsApri1063 Great Plain Avenue Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - NeedhamStreet Light out in front of Needham Bank near the railroad tracks.