Town of Needham PIU
Problemi aperti: 1.437
Problemi chiusi: 23.576
Problemi presi in atto: 724
Street LightsRiconosciuto55 Alfreton Road Needham, MA - NeedhamStreet light was replaced but new head does not appear to be working
Street LightsApri83-139 Garden St Town of Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamThe street light at the corner of May and Garden has been out for at least a year. Despite several requests, the light is still not working. This is a safety hazard for pedestrians walking to the train, the high school, St Joes or the center of town. This is a very dark corner with considerable traffic thought out the evening and morning hours. Thank you in advance for prioritizing.
Street LightsRiconosciuto53 Chapel St Needham 02492, United States - NeedhamDayburn light on north end of municipal parking lot accessed from Chapel St.
Street LightsRiconosciuto1000 Highland Avenue Needham, Massachusetts - NeedhamLocation is actually across street from former Kindercare & is the second-most southern underground wired pole in this block of Highland Ave. Light is out despite recent conversion to LED.
Street LightsApri91 Woodbine Circle Needham, MA, 02494, USA - NeedhamFay Lane is too dark. Per the street light map I think we are missing some street lights. If not, we need to relook at the street light and put some additional ones. It is not safe for pedestrians when the street is this dark.
Street LightsApriSouthwood Ln Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - NeedhamThe light fixture was knocked off by a tree branch a year ago. We just received a reply that the "decorative " street lights on Southwood are not maintained by the town. These are the only street lights installed by the town for light on the street, and the street is a public (not private) street. As taxpayers we should have our street lights fixed by the town.
Street LightsApriHoover Rd & Manning St Town of Needham, MA, 02494, USA - NeedhamThese lights are too bright. They shine in bedrooms and really there is no need for highway level brightness on slow residential roads. Dimming them actually might make drivers more respectful of proper speed and adhere to basic driving 101 law of actually stopping at the stop signs here. Thank you!
22 Perrault Road Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needham
there is an urgent need for overhead lighting on Highland Av
both in front of the Dunkin Donuts and in front of the stairway coming down from the high school stairway.pedestrians and kids alike, focused on their phones and dressed in dark clothing can not be seen crossing the street at night. accident waiting to happen - thanks John Norton
Street LightsApri258 Kendrick St Needham Heights, MA, 02494, USA - NeedhamAt corner with Hunting Road
Street LightsApri40 Highland Ave Needham Heights, MA, 02494, USA - Needham2nd street light from Charles River, is in front of Chestnut Motors.
Street LightsApriHighland Ave Needham, MA, 02492, USA - Needhamhighland ave- 1st ave near 128 traffic lights on flash