Town of Needham PIU

Problemi aperti: 1.365 Problemi chiusi: 23.303 Problemi presi in atto: 697
  • Water IssuesRiconosciuto
    22 Village Lane Needham, MA, 02492, USA - Needham
    a new home was built next to us three years back. ever since we have had enormous amounts of water pooling into our driveway where it meets the street. DPW left a safety cone at the sight a few months back. We need some solution for drainage.
  • 94 Lindbergh Avenue Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needham
    Water flooding occurring frequently due to lack of water drainage. Duster and Lindbergh connect on a downhill, all the water accumulates at 94 Lindbergh causing flooding on home and water coming over side walk.
  • 100 West Street Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needham
    water gate missing the cap
  • 24 Ellicott Street Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - Needham
    Broken water cover, dangerous to cars
  • Water IssuesRiconosciuto
    220 Reservoir Street Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needham
    Damaged Hydrant on 220 Reservoir...piece broken off
  • 167 Richdale Road Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needham
    Residents report that neighbor at 167 Richdale is pouring sump water into street, in violation of by-law causing unsafe freezing situation and request staff visit to speak with neighbor with alleged violation.
  • Water IssuesRiconosciuto
    147 Hunting Rd Needham Heights, MA, 02494, USA - Needham
    Repair water box located between 143-147 Hunting Road. Resident notified DPW.
  • Water IssuesRiconosciuto
    103 Stratford Road Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - Needham
    Drain Infrastructure between 91 Stratford and 103 Stratford has shown some erosion. The abutting resident is concerned that the erosion has moved the rocks and other measures placed by the department to help manage the water from the drainage system.
  • West St Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needham

    Considerable flooding on West St opposite the pump station.

    Water has migrated to private property at 276 West.

    The path between West St. and Perrault Rd. is impassible

  • 53 Blake Street Needham, MA, 02492, USA - Needham
    Woods across from 53 Blake Street were flooded this morning almost up to the road. However, the ground floor toilet started leaking from the base and the tub filled with water. This is on the heels of last August's flood that ruined our ground floor.
  • 22 Hillside Avenue Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needham
    A number of residents called concerned that there is a hose spilling water out onto the street and causing a big puddle that will turn into ice as the temperature drops.
  • 113 Hunnewell Street Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needham
    Water box cover missing and plants growing out of the sleeve.