Town of Needham PLUS

Open Issues: 1,437 Closed Issues: 23,585 Acknowledged Issues: 727
  • Tree IssuesAcknowledged
    Manning At Howland Needham, Massachusetts - Needham
    Caller reported that the crosswalk signs are obstructed by overgrowth.
  • Tree IssuesAcknowledged
    115 Fair Oaks Park Needham, MA, 02492, USA - Needham
    Several dead limbs hanging over sidewalk and onto our property.
  • OtherOpen
    131 Fair Oaks Park Needham 02492, United States - Needham
    Dead branches hanging over the sidewalk
  • 116 Elder Road Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needham
    There are two town trees on my lot. These trees are over 50 years old and were planted by the town. The roots are pushing up through the lawn making mowing a hazard. I've twisted my ankle trying to mow the lawn. In addition, I am unable to grow any type of lawn in that area. In addition, they need pruning. It is a Norwegian Maple and my understanding is that these a no longer planted.
  • Gould St Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - Needham
    Grassy outgrowth on sidewalk area needs trimming, thank you.
  • 257 Webster St Needham Heights 02494, United States - Needham
    Low hanging branches
  • 42 Gayland Road Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - Needham
    Branch in road.
  • OtherOpen
    1–93 Morton St Needham Heights 02494, United States - Needham
    Dead lim
  • OtherOpen
    109 Linden St Needham MA 02492, United States - Needham
    Please do something about the trees blocking the sidewalk and looks like some of them have broken or something please fix thanks
  • 1442-1452 Great Plain Ave Needham, MA 02492, USA - Needham
    please grind this tree stump and fill in the hole on the berm thanks.
  • Mt Vernon Ave & Beaufort Ave Needham, MA, 02492, USA - Needham
    Shrubs at intersection are blocking over half the sidewalk causing pedestrians to spill into the street, especially those with strollers that can no longer fit on the sidewalk. This is a dangerous intersection as cars heading towards Great Plain need to take the right turn, which their view is also partially blocked by the shrubs.
  • 631 Great Plain Avenue Needham, Massachusetts - Needham
    The arbor vitae at that corner completely block the sight line to Great Plain. You must be in the cross walk before you can see if there are pedestrians (very dangerous) and you have to edge your car out (especially large vehicles) almost to the street to see if there is any traffic on the street.