Town of Needham PLUS
Open Issues: 1,446
Closed Issues: 23,594
Acknowledged Issues: 730
Tree IssuesAcknowledgedCoulton Park Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - NeedhamAt the end of Coulton park, there is a large pile of logs. Yesterday, I found a group of 7 and 8 year olds climbing on and UNDER the logs. This is a very dangerous situation and could cause severe bodily harm.
Tree IssuesAcknowledged40 Lincoln Street Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - Needham
Town tree in private property. This tree was looked up and is one of the replants from the big storm years ago and is not thriving any more. Owner would like to take next steps to remove/replant if appropriate. Please advise as necessary.
Steve Geraci 508 638 8189 40 Lincoln St
Tree IssuesAcknowledged72 Mayo Avenue Needham, Massachusetts, 02492 - Needhamfeel that the limbs are overgrown and is worried that some can fall and be a haxard.
Tree IssuesAcknowledgedManning At Howland Needham, Massachusetts - NeedhamCaller reported that the crosswalk signs are obstructed by overgrowth.
Tree IssuesAcknowledged115 Fair Oaks Park Needham, MA, 02492, USA - NeedhamSeveral dead limbs hanging over sidewalk and onto our property.
Gould St Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - NeedhamGrassy outgrowth on sidewalk area needs trimming, thank you.
Tree IssuesOpen116 Elder Road Needham Heights, Massachusetts, 02494 - NeedhamThere are two town trees on my lot. These trees are over 50 years old and were planted by the town. The roots are pushing up through the lawn making mowing a hazard. I've twisted my ankle trying to mow the lawn. In addition, I am unable to grow any type of lawn in that area. In addition, they need pruning. It is a Norwegian Maple and my understanding is that these a no longer planted.