Town of Franklin PLUS

Open Issues: 3 Closed Issues: 559 Acknowledged Issues: 51
  • Beech St PotholeAcknowledged
    150 Beech St Franklin, MA - Franklin
    There's a large pothole and degrading asphalt patch in this area.
  • 571 Chestnut Street Franklin, MA - Franklin
    It's right after the patches you just made on chestnut there is a dip in the road on the right hand side. Everything else done on the road in that area is awesome the difference is already noticed and appreciated thanks. But the spot is quite a tough one on your cars suspension components especially since it's a fast road at that point. On top of that it makes it tough on the people turning onto griffin road as they stay to the right of the bump and then have to slow down to turn and it slows down everyone very drastically if the spot was filled people could drive more central down the road instead of hugging the yellow lines and it also wouldn't slow down traffic as much. Thanks keep up the good work it's noticed and appreciated.
  • Road conditionAcknowledged
    38 Cleveland Avenue Franklin, Massachusetts - Franklin
    The entirety of Cleveland Ave needs resurfacing, but specifically the section in front of 38 Cleveland and our neighbor 35 Cleveland. There are large areas measuring in the tens of square feet with pavement missing and residual ruts/bumps from frost heaves. Additionally feet of curbing is damaged from town plows.
  • Beech Street Franklin, Massachusetts - Franklin
    Most of the road is a mess, but near the end where it starts to become Pearl Street, there is a deep torn up place that spans the entire width of the road. In order to get past it without damaging my car, I have to slow down to about 5mph. It's been like this for at least a year.
  • 680 Pleasant Street Norfolk, Ma - Franklin
    Heading into Norfolk coming from Franklin there are some vicious bumps just as you pass acorn animal hospital on your right. You have to stay to the left of the manhole cover which basically puts you on the wrong side of the road otherwise your cars suspension bottoms out and crashes. Then as you keep going a little bit further there is the same situation a couple hundred feet further down the road. It's been bad for a while it has been fixed in the past it's now at the point where it needs to be repaved.
  • PotholeAcknowledged
    Dale St Franklin Ma - Franklin
    Dale St and sidewalks are in terrible condition! This is at least the third time this has been reported, with the last update saying some potholes were filled in on 10/15. Nothing has happened! Dale St is in one of the worst (if not the worst) conditions of all the streets downtown!
  • PotholeAcknowledged
    297-301 Lincoln St Franklin, Massachusetts - Franklin
    Where the street and driveway meet for 297-301 Lincoln St there is a large hole. Come winter this will be quite dangerous. Kids take the bus from there and if they slip and fall due to this issue it could create issues for everyone. The town owns 7-10ft in from the street, this should be taken care of by the town. This has been reported numerous times and has yet to be fixed. Other driveways have had the same issue and have been fixed. Not sure why Lincoln St is being ignored.
  • PotholeAcknowledged
    29 Charles River Drive Franklin, MA 02038, USA - Franklin
    Pothole causing bump and some loss of traction when turning into Norembega Circle from Charles River Dr.
  • PotholesAcknowledged
    20 Freedom Way Franklin, Massachusetts - Franklin
    Entire roadway is getting worse and worse each year. My tenant, Owens and Minor has asked me to reach out to you about getting it re-paved. Are there any plans? Sam at Lincoln Property (781) 238-4488
  • PotholeAcknowledged
    Lincoln Street Franklin, Massachusetts - Franklin
    There is a puddle with a depth that could reach over tires near the entrance to Winterberry on Lincoln
  • pot holeAcknowledged
    430 East Central Street Franklin, Massachusetts - Franklin
    man hole cover sitting low
    never should have pass road inspection. in front of venterinary
  • Pothole/speedbump Acknowledged
    152 Beech St Franklin, Massachusetts - Franklin
    This (spedbump) is getting deeper and deeper all of the time. Please look into repairing this. Its getting worse with the plowing I believe.
    Thank you kindly
    Debra Porter