City of Salem PLUS
City Street SignsAcknowledgedShillaber St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
Is it possible to put a solar powered speed limit sign on Shillaber St. near the Burke St. intersection?
It is a narrow street and it is poorly lit.
There are individuals driving 40mph plus, with a near head on collision accident occurring frequently near home owners vehicles.
City Street SignsAcknowledged22 Shillaber St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
***Is this still in the works of being added/resolved?***
Is it possible to put a solar powered speed limit sign on Shillaber St. near the Burke St. intersection?
It is a narrow street and it is poorly lit.
There are individuals driving 40mph plus, with a near head on collision accident occurring very frequently. This is near home owners vehicles between Shillaber and Burke Street and at the very ends of Shillaber St. Also, this makes walking with small children or pets a hazard. Some areas between Shillaber and Burke St. have little to no sidewalks. Making it that more dangerous with the high speeds and poor lighting.
City Street SignsAcknowledgedBridge St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemThis crosswalk between Howard St and Howard St Ext crossing over Bridge Street is extremely dangerous. Poor signage and faded crosswalk leads to vehicles not even aware that it is there. When I walk my dog across the street to the common space, I constantly almost get run over from vehicles traveling too fast and not paying attention to this intersection. Is it possible to get the solar powered flashing light crosswalk signs installed here. If not please provide more signage and fresh paint to make drivers aware of this intersection.
City Street SignsAcknowledgedOber St & Wall St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemWhen driving down Ober St there is no stop sign when approaching Wall St. If you’re driving down Wall St and someone is taking a left from
Ober st onto Wall st it can cause for a car accident because you cannot see beyond the fence. A stop sign would alleviate any accidents -
73 Commercial St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemCan the city add "no parking" signs in front of the memorials place? Every time I walk past, at least 3-4 cars are parked on the sidewalk This has been reported before with no action taken There are plenty of on street parking spots here
Highland Ave Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThere are NO speed limit signs going south from Salem Hospital all the way to the pedestrian bridge after Crowdis St. where there is a 35 mph sign. There is one 30 mph speed limit sign going south by Collins Middle School. One 30 mph sign fell down on the SW corner of Colby St. 2 years ago and has not been replaced! The speed limit is 30 mph on Highland Ave. from the pedestrian bridge going north but only one sign and not until you get to the Salem Hospital.
Result: Highland Ave. can be renamed "The Salem Speedway!"
Signs need to be posted every few blocks on this main north south road.
I would also suggest LOWERING the speed limit to 25 mph until the pedestrian bridge then up to 30 mph maximum to the Lynn line. Safety first! Many cars and trucks! also routinely go 45-50 when traffic is light.... -
Witch House 310 Essex St, Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThe lights at the Witch House intersection has changed. The crosswalk no longer stops traffic in all four directions. It is VERY dangerous.
City Street SignsAcknowledged9 Forrester St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemThe people that lived here have moved to AZ and their house is for sale Thee handicap sign is no longer vali. I parked my car here because all of the tourists take up all the resident parking spaces on the stree. Between the airbnb and the tenants that have driveways that do not utilize them I am taking it upon myself to park here in the meantime
City Street SignsAcknowledgedFort Ave & Webb St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemThe Stop 🛑 sign on Webb St at Fort Ave coming from Derby St is blocked by tree limbs . Drivers cannot see the sign until they are upon in . Thank you for your prompt attention!
Other - City IssuesAcknowledged10 First St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemRadar speed sign not working for several months
Other - City IssuesAcknowledged6 Mall St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemTraffic is backed up over half way down Mall street. People are using it as a cut-through to Bridge street, even though Mall street is not a through street Please add additional signage or traffic officers This is very unfair to residents.
City Street SignsAcknowledgedFranklin St & Foster St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemCan pedestrian crossing or similar signs be added to this crosswalk?