City of Salem PIU
Problemi aperti: 2.185
Problemi chiusi: 38.336
Problemi presi in atto: 1.021
PotholeApri2-30 Northey St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemEntry to Northey Street has a significant and wide depression in the street.
Broad St & Winthrop St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemNational Grid work was done and trench has sunken.
150 Canal St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemI’m not sure if there’s a patch in the street as an attempt to fix the sinkhole or there was roadwork done and whoever the contractor was didn’t compact the soil and so now the street is sinking. If it’s the latter that contractor should be held accountable.
PotholeApri177-187 Canal St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemConstruction caused a large bump when driving down the street. Please fill in this hole as it can cause an accident.
Hersey St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemHersey Street has numerous potholes/sinkholes and areas with broken pavement. Residents can only drive on one part of the street in some sections.
23 Juniper Avenue Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemNational Grid did work at least a month ago. Road/sidewalk hasn't been prepared.