City of Salem PIU
Canal St & Hancock St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemOn this corner, there used to be a "no parking" sign on a telephone pole. It was moved to a different spot that makes it difficult to pull out of Hancock. Can the sign be moved back onto the telephone pole?
11 Heritage Drive Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThe New Rotary is a 4 way Yield, but traffic coming on Swampscott Road from Swampscott and traffic from Appositive way; don't want to stop and go, they keep going like they are the only one that have the right. And traffic form on 1st Street due to moving traffic from Swampscott Road don't let cars go. Please do something so is equal to every way traffic
Derby St & Central St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemSign is down: STOP for pedestrians Crossing
24 Raymond Road Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThe speed limit radar was knocked down about a month or two ago. Currently off and hanging by electrical tape and a wire.
Jefferson Ave & Willson St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
Very grateful for the new lights at the intersection. But there are still a few things that need to happen to avoid head on collisions.
1) stop sign removed from Wilson Street
2) no parking sign on Wilson Street (from the light to about 3 car lengths up Wilson Street on both sides)
And the biggest one of all...
A "No turn on red" sign for the cars on Wilson turning right onto Jefferson.Almost saw a head on collisions bc someone turned right on red onto Jefferson.
Brown St & Washington Sq Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThe pedestrian walk signal on the commons side isn’t blinking letting drivers know there’s an active crosswalk - it’s dangerous at night with the low lit area
64-74 Federal St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemIs it possible to get a no turn on red at Federal and north street on the courthouse block? The visibility is poor due to trees and plantings, cars constantly honk at cars not turning on red. Recently cars have been going around cars by jumping the curb to get out onto north street. Drivers need to realize that from federal people can also go straight down the ramp to bridge street and not just right at north street. It has escalated to people yelling at each other when cars won’t turn either and seems to be through traffic off Washington trying to skip the light at Washington and bridge street exacerbating the problem. If federal at the courthouse also had speed bumps to slow the traffic and make it a less appealing “time saver” cut through it would minimize the aggression at the intersection.
City Street SignsRiconosciuto53 West Avenue Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
Last week ticket number 10391534 was opened, and dismissed. I am now opening it again as a 2nd person making this request. Not sure if first person was clear enough, but almost had a tragedy tonight and that is all I am trying to prevent.
With the basketball tournament going on, and tonight, Swampscott came to play Salem in baseball, people are coming to the park who aren't familiar with the area. They don't know how to get to the parking lot when they see the do not enter sign, and come in anyway. Tonight, there was a little girl on a scooter that was almost hit because she came darting out between cars. Yes, the girl should not have done that, but she wasn't expecting incoming traffic either. The last person put the picture up on the old ticket, I added just TWO example signs (only need one) that can help in this regard.
I am just trying to prevent another Ryan Brennan like tragedy, or the tragedy on Fort Ave earlier this summer. One sign.. thats all that is needed.
3 Dodge Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemCross walk sign was knocked down. Placed on the side
Lafayette St & New Derby St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThere is no crossing light in front of Engine pizza for people crossing over New Derby Street from Lafayette Street. It's really dangerous because cars are turning right on red all the time and have no idea the cross walk light is on. Please put the crossing light back up! The other side has one.
Grove St & Mason St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThis intersection is hazardous, please consider adding an additional stop or yield sign near the old moose lodge. The spacing of signs here makes it dangerous to cross from the harmony Grove cemetery side of Grove either on foot or in a vehicle.