City of Salem IYO
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Bridge St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemThe traffic light outside of the MBTA garage is causing a ton of issues. The red light (leaning the garage) is so long that I have personally witnessed three "left on reds" this week. The timing or sensors need to be fixed. Salem claims to be transportation friendly yet driving home for the train during peak times is a horror show forcing drivers to make illegal turns or wait forever to leave for home. Figure it out, please.
141 Boston Street Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemStuck on yellow won't change when u press button to cross it never changes
428-428 Essex St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemTraffic light is askew so that heading southeast drivers cannot tell if light is green or red.
93 North St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemPeople speeding down this road constantly. Something needs to be done. We have seen 3 accidents this past month. We need speed to be monitored or a new traffic signal pattern
Appleton St & Orne St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemI've reported a broken walk light a month and and nothing has been done about it. Halloween is over, can we actually fix this before the inclement weather so someone isn't hit by a car? Will report daily until fixed.
162 North St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemTraffic and pedestrian lights at intersection of North, School and Orne streets are not synced properly.
Broad St & Flint St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemA car sped up and tried to hit me as I was walking on the crosswalk, with a red light. This red light is NOT sufficient in making cars respect pedestrians. We've been waiting for traffic calming measures in this street for years. Do we need to beg for something to be done?
1st St & Traders Way Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemTraffic signals on flash. Briefly fixed last night 8/31 now back to flash
242-244 Highland Ave Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
There is a issue with the signaling on Highland Ave( south bound) and the entrance to Market Basket. Please see attached link.
24 sec into the video, left signal will go green. As we proceed, you will notice many vehicle going south bound are still moving. Please review..