City of Salem IYO
Fur Arrimaha: 2,235
Arrimaha xidhmay: 38,454
Arrimaha la Qiray: 995
1–3 Ravenna Ave Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemThe light to turn onto Highland from Ravenna and Barnes is very delayed. Took about 5 minutes just to turn without much traffic on Highland.
2 Margin Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemThe street lights are not working at the interception at the post office at 2 margin street they have been broken for 3 weeks now they need to be fixed immediately that is a high volume interception
234-240 Bridge St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemAt the crosswalk on Bridge St to cross from the MBTA Station, the signals take 3, sometimes 4 cycles to let pedestrians cross even when the crosswalk button is pushed multiple times. This is especially the case when crossing to Washington St.
42.52323 -70.89891 - City of SalemThis pedestrian signal head has been rotated so that it isn't clearly visible to pedestrians. The audible signal is not functioning properly either, and has not been for many years.
292-294 Bridge St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of Salem
I don't know if something is going on this week but the traffic on bridge street, all hours of the day I've driven through (8AM, 5PM, 9PM) has been halloween level bad traffic.
The traffic lights are timed very poorly which causes major backups when there doesn't need to be traffic, if the lights just worked.
Beverly, just on the other side of the bridge at the cabot/rantoul/water street intersection had the same issue a year or two ago and they were able to fix the timing/sensors on the traffic lights and the traffic has eased up almost completely there.
1–17 Dow St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemThe light at Lafayette and Dow Street is very terribly timed, backing up traffic on Lafayette all the way to Salem State at around 730am.
264-284 Canal St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemThe crossing signal has been broken for months; tickets on ServiceNow reporting this back to 1/28/23. Why did it take two months for the city to diagnose the problem (broken solar panel) and how long will it take to remedy? Cars are not stopping for pedestrians as there is no signal- can there be a sign placed alerting drivers the lights are not working and to yield for pedestrians in cross walk? Seems crazy that a cross walk in a well traveled path in Salem has been unprotected for nearly three months and the city is failing to treat this with urgency.
Mile 19.4 State Rte 114 W Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemThe pedestrian crossing signal in the middle of Washington (the median) wasn't showing the walk sign when it should all the other signals showed walk but that one was blank It would show don't walk flashing hand but not the walking symbol h
63 Boston St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemRed lights on Boston Street are flickering when lit
176-198 Webb St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemOn Webb street, when making a left onto bridge street, the light never changes and skips cycles. This happens a lot before 7am and after 9pm.
Boston St & Grove St Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemWhen the light signals for pedestrian crossing there is no sound/audio/signal to indicate to start walking. Very dangerous to not have signal sound and visual cue to safely cross.