City of Salem IYO
Tree Health InspectionLa qiray23 Pickman Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of Salem
Previous request was closed but all the city did was trim small branches back on two city trees on the sidewalk in front of our house. This issue was not resolved. Trimming a few small branches is not a solution to the problems these trees are causing and they need to be removed.
Two city tress have caused major issues with the sidewalk - heaving, large incense cracks and large gaps. These trees also cause issues for our roof and the roots that have wrecked the sidewalk and caused a hazard no doubt is causing issues to sewer and water lines going into our house.
The trees also do not seem very sturdy and move precariously in strong winds while already lean heavily to one side - with a truck already having hit one as it passed by.
We have called and written the city numerous times with no response. Someone please contact us and respond to this inquiry.
Tree Health InspectionLa qiray173 Essex St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemThe middle of the 3 blue trees outside the PEM (near Kakawa Chocolate and the entrance to the Witch City Mall), on Essex Street is damaged. A large amount of bark has been picked away. The damaged area has grown, presumably from people picking at it).
Tree Health InspectionLa qiray51 Linden Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemPlease inspect tree in front of house. It was checked last spring but seems to be dying/doing worse. Thank you.
Tree Pruning/Trim/Branch BrokenLa qiray12 Hersey Street Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemMany dead limbs that look like they could wind up falling into the street at some point.
Tree Health InspectionLa qiray44 Derby Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemI know new ash trees aren't being planted due to the pest threat, so I want to make sure that the one in front of my house is as healthy as possible. Potential issues I'd like to fix are: box and high soil around the roots, plants around the roots, and crowding by invasive Norway Maple trees (which I would consider replacing with a native tree if there's room).
Tree Pruning/Trim/Branch BrokenLa qiray61 Hathorne St Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemI cannot get the location pin to record the correct address. This is for 61 Hathorne Street. The Blue duplex corner of the home abutting Dane Ct. On the 61 Right front corner, the tree is hanging over into our gutters, every year clogging the gutters requiring an expensive cleanout. The tree is about 100 years old, the roots ate getting into our plumbing and tree is diseased. Can we please have this tree removed. Thank you from 61 Hathorne. MJ Taglieri
Tree Pruning/Trim/Branch BrokenLa qiray35 Cedar Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemWe have had multiple limbs come down and damage our cars resulting in over a $1000 in damages.
Tree Health InspectionLa qiray1–5 Holly St Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemThe second tree up from Lafayette Street (on the south side, just before the driveway is a dying Norway Maple which we hope can be removed If so we will replace with a non-invasive tree )
Tree Health InspectionLa qiray14 Chestnut Street Salem, MA, 01970, USA - City of SalemLarge dead branches overhanging street from tree in front of 14 chestnut.
Tree Health InspectionLa qiray30 Leach Street Salem, Massachusetts, 01970 - City of SalemTree appears dead in front of 30 Leach Street
Tree Health InspectionLa qiray29 Highland Ave Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemLarge dead tree behind playground
Tree Health InspectionLa qiray29 Buchanan Rd Salem MA 01970, United States - City of SalemA request to remove this dead tree was made on May 17 along with a request to replace it. It is still under warranty with the City of Salem. It appears as if the initial request was closed and archived. No one has come to inspect it yet. Please advise status. Thank you.